A Postscript

We did not expect BG to respond so quickly to what we said in our last post, and we cannot let what was said go unanswered.

I am, however, quite willing to break the law myself, and that’s exactly what I did on Thursday.

iI is this confession that destroys any credibility or authenticity BG thought he had. Anything he has published, is publishing, or will publish is now non-credible because he willfully admits to breaking the law.

Nothing he says can be taken even at face value because he thinks he is above the law. In our ethics and other theological classes, we discussed situational ethics and many people advocate for them.

However, situational ethics does not exist and the end does not justify the means. This type of behavior only opens up a can of worms that ruin society. Breaking the rules is not okay unless you are obeying God’s commandments.

We obey God over man when man’s laws contradict what God wants us to do. Getting opiate pain medication through illegal means is not obeying God no matter the situation.

My post was about how the government is presently waging war against people with chronic pain; how following the rules left me without pain medications for almost five days. I wasn’t whining, I was shouting. Thiessen shows no sympathy or compassion for me. “Just suck it up, BG, them’s the rules.” Spoken like a True Fundamentalist, always following rules.

We would probably have more compassion for BG if he did not attack us at every turn. But what we focused on in our post was that the government is not waging war on chronic pain sufferers.

The government has the right to regulate pain medicine, dosage, and more. That is why they are the government. Now we are not saying the government is always right but in this case, controlling opiate medication is essential to protect people from themselves.

Just because BG fell through the cracks a few times does not mean the laws governing opiates are wrong. It is only wrong in BG’s mind because he is being deprived of the medication he feels he needs.

We are not going to have sympathy for someone who will ignore the rules. Especially in light of the following words:

It is government that necessitated me to break the law.

This is a standard excuse given by many unbelievers, they are claiming they are not responsible for their decisions. In their minds, the government is at fault because the rules do not let them do what they want.

Yet, the government did not force BG to make that decision, it did not say it was okay to make that decision and did not advise him to make this decision. He made the decision all on his own without any outside help.

Under this type of thinking, BG will probably blame the IFB, the church, different Christians, and even God for his decision to deconvert. According to the quote, he is not responsible for his decision because the bible should have been written clearer, and the church should have accepted his heretical thinking.

However, no one forced him to disobey biblical instruction, forced him to listen and accept unbeliever’s words and no one forced him to deconvert. The responsibility for doing an illegal act to gain opiates and deconvert lies completely on his shoulders.

There’s no reason that government at both state and federal levels couldn’t immediately legally legalize pot.

Yes, there is a good reason. While BG may be able to handle a relaxation of the opiate rules, not everyone can. The government is charged with protecting those people. These rules do not harm anyone but are in place to protect those who cannot protect themselves.

I chose the latter. I regret to inform slippery-slope believers: no, I am not already hooked, and no I haven’t already moved on to cocaine (the two things Evangelical preachers often tell youths about marijuana.)

We did not say this nor did we even think it. We do know that marijuana is a gateway drug but not all people enter that portal by using marijuana. It depends on the person. With BG’s family support system, we doubt he will enter this portal.

I am an advocate for chronic pain sufferers. I use my stories about experiences with pain and suffering to encourage people who are in pain and to demand government action on better treatment of chronic pain sufferers. I want good laws, effective laws, not laws that foster unnecessary pain and suffering. Of course, Thiessen doesn’t care about any of these things. He is a member of a religious cult that glorifies suffering. Get saved, die, ascend to Heaven, no more pain, stop whining.

He needs to stop whining as no one needs an advocate that considers themselves a victim of governmental rules. Oh, and the slippery slope he mentions in the previous quote is not about moving on to heavy drugs. It is about losing the effectiveness of the law.

If we can change the law ever time someone wants them changed, then the law means nothing. There is no point in having laws if they are as fluid as a quart of oil. he also needs to stop whining because he is not the only person with chronic pain. Those other people can manage without breaking the law

.And Thiessen despises me,

This is completely false. We have never said that but we know those words are true for him when it comes to his feelings about us. We have never despised anyone in our lifetime. But he likes making things up in his mind and running with it because we do not let him get away with his crap and faulty words.

He just likes playing the victim because he gets the attention he craves. We are not going to play into that game. If he gets upset that his words get analyzed, critiqued, and shown to be wrong, maybe he should stop posting on the internet.

If he can’t stand the heat, he should get out of the kitchen. But we doubt he will do that as he gets great joy in mocking God and attacking us and other Christians. Obedience is greater than sacrifice and there is no escape clause that allows for the rules to be broken.

Remember, Jesus did not break any rules, at any time.


Hopefully, we will see you in a couple of weeks.