Atheists & Their Blogs 2

We want to talk a little more about the following quote : Some 2000 churches in the UK have closed in the past ten years and a recent survey paints a bleak picture of current Christian belief…church membership in the UK has plunged to less than ten percent…” (p. 7, Kindle) Conner notes that, “Across … Continue reading Atheists & Their Blogs 2

Atheists and Their Blogs

We had a little extra time today so we got curious. We put in the search box the words atheist blogs and waited to see what would come up. There were a couple top or best atheist blogs on the internet lists that we did look through. Yes, we were looking for one specific website … Continue reading Atheists and Their Blogs

The Bible Says- Be Careful How You Walk

In today's article in this series, we go to Ephesians 5, and here is what the passage says: 15 So then, be careful how you walk, not as unwise people but as wise, 16 making the most of your time, because the days are evil. 17 Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the … Continue reading The Bible Says- Be Careful How You Walk

An Atheist says “Follow the Bible”

An atheist is giving out some free marital advice. he says he has been married to the same woman for over 40 years. That is an accomplishment he should be applauded for reaching. In the article, he does mock some IFB marriages and the attitude behind them but he does give one piece of interesting … Continue reading An Atheist says “Follow the Bible”

A Correction

We received the following comment about our Justice For All article: Your information re: the Stella Liebeck case is incorrect. She was not driving. The car was not even moving. The coffee was served at nearly the boiling point of water, 20-30 degrees Fahrenheit hotter than literally any other chain served their coffee. She suffered … Continue reading A Correction

Difficulties With The Bible

We continue this series as so many ex-Christians claim they had difficulties with the Bible and its content. They say that these difficulties rocked their Christian world and made them rethink their faith. Yet, we will say that it is not the content of the Bible that created these so-called difficulties. Instead, there are no … Continue reading Difficulties With The Bible

Justice is For All

We were reading or looking at MM's website yesterday and he had one post that sparked something in our minds that should be addressed. We are not analyzing or critiquing his words nor does our content have anything to do with what he said. We are merely addressing a topic that he mentioned- frivolous lawsuits. … Continue reading Justice is For All

Why Throw Your Faith Away?

This has been one of the issues that have bothered us every time we run into people who are ex-Christians, ex-ministers, ex-missionaries, and so on. We have heard and read their stories and complaints yet the same question seems to come to mind each time- Why throw your faith away when you face biblical difficulties? … Continue reading Why Throw Your Faith Away?

The Bible Says- A Great Promise

The Bible says that we should live by the words that come from God. Those words are found in the Bible. This book has been written for all people of all ages and nationalities there are none exempt from its words. Sadly, you will find that many people who claim to be Christian, and almost … Continue reading The Bible Says- A Great Promise