Bits & Pieces 3

We are feeling a bit better today. The sight of food does not make us sick so we thought we would say only a few words on different topics:

#1. Abortion- 6000 years and no answers

Sex is a natural act,

The quote comes from the MM website and it is just part of another unbeliever diatribe that provides no answers. The unbelieving world has been given 6000 years approx. to govern yet it still has the same unsolved problems today that the ancient world faced.

Yes, sex is a natural act but that does not mean you do not use common sense, responsibility, or communication to regulate your sexual activities. You have to be fairly naive to think, one, that accidents won’t happen to you, and two, that murder is the answer.

The article in question is very naive as again an untrained, unknowing, unbeliever thinks he knows the answers to this problem. Every unbeliever has failed in this and other issues which is why we have lost civilizations today.

If people correctly obeyed God, life would be vastly different today and the world would not be under threat of destruction.

#2. Cryogenics- the biggest scam ever

my mind goes to a sci-fi place of people being frozen, either for a long journey, or to forestall a disease or condition, in the hopes of a cure being available in the future.

It is a scam as no scientist has the power over life and death. If you think a human can ‘freeze’ your body or head only to resurrect you decades later, then we have some ocean front property in Kansas to sell you.

The Bible says it is appointed unto man to die once then the judgment. That means scientists cannot resurrect you even if they improve on their cryogenic formulas and applications. There is also no such thing as reincarnation.

Once you die, you get to face God and give an account for your decisions, actions, and so on. There are no second chances unless you accept Christ as your savior while you are alive.

#3. Broken society

All of these points are taken from the MM website and all are ridiculous. We have heard the word broken used many times over our teaching career and it was usually said by some NET who did not understand the educational system.

NETs kept saying that the Korean educational system was broken. BUT what they really meant was the Korean educational system was not doing things their way. There is only one system in education- teachers teach and students learn. If that is broken then the teacher is not doing their job.

When it comes to a broken society, society is only broken because people refuse to obey God and biblical commands and instructions. Systems can’t work when people go their own way and do their own thing.

Technically society is not broken, people just refuse to follow the rules of society or fail to enforce those rules. Obey God and live, disobey God, and be destroyed.

#4. Why is he so afraid?

BG continues to publish distorted materials about us and we wonder why he is so afraid of us? All we do is point out the error of his thinking and content and do nothing else. He is a quitter and we have not known one quitter to have any credibility whatsoever.

He offers everyone nothing save his own disbelief, blank ideas, and baseless declarations. He has no credible evidence to support his views. Maybe he is tired of being reminded of the dreadful mistake that he made so many years ago when he left the faith.

We wish we could redeem him but he seems to be happy in his dark life. ‘His story’ is boring, old, and not new as he is just another person in a long line of former believers who have left the faith and blamed everyone else for their departure.

Maybe he does not like being reminded of what he has left and lost? We cannot be sure but he really should stop making himself an internet laughingstock as people laugh at his inability to continue in his faith. Who celebrates a quitter? God doesn’t.

But he likes the bad attention as he likes playing the victim so we do not expect to see any change in him. It is just sad to see a person being used like he is.