We Were in a Discussion 3

There is one more point to make out of that review we asked the unbelieving friend to write. It is at the end where his final words were:

In many ways it feels like David has written this book to appeal to people who already believe in his interpretation of the Bible.

Of course, our books, this website, our Hub articles, and other writings are written for believers. They are not written for unbelievers as we are not attempting to do evangelism with what we write.

Many years ago, we got tired of hearing salvation messages every Sunday night in church. Then we really got tired of it when those sermons and alter calls were moved to the traditional worship hour.

Not only could we not get any spiritual food but the majority of Christians attending those churches were being deprived of spiritual nourishment. We also grew tired of being kept at square one every week.

Not being able to grow and get good spiritual insight from the local churches we decided, after years of research and study, to write for believers the information they needed to get past square one and grow in their faith.

All of our books found over at https://theoarch.wordpress.com/contact/ are designed to get believers the type of information they need in order to live stronger Christian lives as well as build their faith.

This website, while actually targeting pastors, missionaries, and church leaders can be read by anyone who wants to know more and shore up any loose aspects of their belief in Jesus.

We encourage you to buy the books and get your friends and relatives to buy them as everyone needs more information and they need the truth. That is what we strive for when we write.

Moving on, in that discussion we posted our opinion on democracy v. God we have a couple more issues to discuss.

Fundamentalists are fond of saying that humanist morality isn’t “universal”. They argue that we humans cannot distinguish right from wrong without divine guidance, so humanist ethics are essentially a rudderless ship, with each person defining his own version of morality to suit his convenience.

While atheists and some unbelievers may lead very moral lives and are good to their wives, children, and so on, it is hard for them to live truly godly moral lives for many reasons.

#1. the rules they follow are not totally moral or just. Just because one obeys human laws does it mean that they are really being moral. Abortion is legal but those who take advantage of that legal status or support those who do are not truly being moral. They may be in obedience to the law but they are not being moral as killing was banned over 3,000 years ago.

#2. atheists and unbelievers may obey certain laws and do not steal, kill, rob, abuse, or commit assault, but if they lie to their children or to others, then they are not being moral. They may also fudge on their taxes while thinking they are still moral.

Morality covers more than just killing, harming, stealing, and so on.

to paraphrase Socrates, is something righteous because the gods deem it so, or do the gods deem it so because it is righteous?

The answer to that question is that God declares what is righteous. He is the only one qualified to do so and there is no other god above him.

If the ‘gods’ deem it so because it is already righteous, who needs those gods? They have proven they are not powerful enough to declare what is good or evil and there is another god or God more powerful than they.

These gods who deem something righteous simply because it is already righteous prove they are not worthy of adoration, honor, or even glory. They have not done anything to warrant or merit such worship.

Something is righteous because GOD deems it so and he also declares what is evil, sin, and wrong behavior.

If you are fundamentalist and you lean toward the former, then answer this: since your religion is not universal, then how can a system of morality which requires your religion be universal?

But Christianity is universal. It is open to all who are seeing they are in need of a savior and want to give up their sinful lives for something better. There is nothing better than salvation through Jesus Christ.

The fact there are so many different religions and faiths in the world today does not indicate that Christianity is not universal. Instead, it shows the nature of the people of the world and how they use their right of free choice.

What we are seeing in the world today, is the result of ‘men love darkness rather than light’ or if you want an example from the OT, Gen 6 tells us that the people God created thought only of evil.

In other words, people are not seeing a universal application of true Christianity is because most men and women do not want to live by true Christianity rules and instructions.

The morality described by Christianity is still universal as all men and women will be judged by the God who created Christianity, this world, and all the rules, commands & instructions he gave in the OT & NT.

Christian morality does not have to universally accepted and followed to be universal. the words of the Bible its command to be holy apply to everyone even government leaders, business owners, CEOs, and so on. No one is to ignore God’s words.

the argument that we cannot rely on human judgement to form governing policy doesn’t hold water

Proverbs tells us to ‘lean not unto our own understanding’ as our understanding, knowledge, and so on are very limited. We should be leaning on God’s words and following them correctly.

Exercising human understanding does not mean we only decide on laws, morality, and other issues that the unbeliever approves of. The exercising of human judgment also includes seeing how limited we are and that we are not capable of running courts, governments, schools, and more without the aid of God.

Opting to follow God’s objective standards and rules is not abdicating any use of human understanding, instead, it is using it to make the wisest choice possible. Just because the unbeliever claims otherwise does not make it so.

Remember we are to please God not unbelievers.

If you go to that website on democracy v. God, you will see some references to Hitler and his supposed faith. We have already dealt with that issue at this link and this one.  We also dealt with this topic here and a mention of the holocaust here.

When you have the time, you can read or re-read those articles. For those curious as to our thoughts on democracy, etc., here is what we wrote when the owner of that website wondered about what we thought

In thinking about it I will just post a short response here in the comment section to address the key issues. When it comes to democracy, it is the weakest form of any political governing system in existence today. The reason for saying that is because anyone with any ideology has the capability and ability to persuade the majority to vote in favor of their ideology no matter how liberal or conservative it gets.

Under socialism, totalitarianism, theocracy, and communism that is not possible unless you go to open revolt. Then democracy generally follows the moral rules set out in the Bible whereas those other systems generally follow the morals of a specific individual or group of people. That includes a theocracy that follows a false religion or one of the many bad protestants, cultic or other religions associated with Protestantism.

The problem with the response given in the above article is that it does not account for the presence of evil in the world, its influence, and how many people are wolves in sheep’s clothing. Nothing is untainted by evil unless one follows the one true God and his ways correctly which most people refuse to do.

The unbelieving world does not understand spiritual things. they need the help of the Holy Spirit to have their eyes opened to see the truth. While you wait for that to take place in the lives of family or friends, etc., continue reading our books and websites to build your faith and be prepared for their questions.

You can’t win people to Christ when you are claiming Christ and God are both different from the way they represent themselves in the Bible.