Christians Are Not Ignorant

This is the response we got from BG whom we did not mention in the last post- TheologyArcheology: A Site for the Promotion of Scientific and Biblical Ignorance

But those unbelievers who say things like this and accept such declarations are proving that they have a haughty spirit. Their arrogance blinds them to the fact that they are the ones who are deceived and cannot tell the truth from error.

Both unbelievers and some Christians say they like science because it is always changing. But that does not make sense because if science is always changing then science is always changing what truth is.

If truth is always changing then it is not true or truth. As the Bible tells us, Jesus is the truth and he is always the same. Jesus never changes nor does the biblical content. If they did, then they would not be or proclaim the truth.

If they did change, then no one would have salvation as no one would know what to believe. They would have no idea what the truth is just like secular scientists have little to no clue as to what is true and what is not.

The secular scientists’ ever-changing dogma as well as their never-ending search for answers proves they do not have the truth nor can recognize it. This may be what frustrates unbelievers when it comes to discussing anything with believers. Once believers find Jesus and the truth, they do not have to search for answers anymore.

Instead, they can focus their scientific work on solving the world’s problems, instead of wasting money on searching for our origins. We know where we came from and life’s beginning is not a mystery to us.

These issues are only a mystery to those who reject the truth that is found in Genesis 1 & 2. The unbelievers are the ones who are ignorant of the truth and seek alternatives that never took place. They are the ones deceived not the believers who believe God and his word.

Science may help us discover cures for diseases but those cures are not created by science or scientists. They have been provided by God in plants, etc., and science is only discovering the aid God has already made available to his creation.

Science may be able to discover elements and minerals that combine to make all sorts of metals or plastics, but science did not create those elements, etc. God provided them for the use of his creation.

Science cannot be an authority when it is merely the tool that is used to discover what God has already put in place. As you can see, believers are not ignorant because we recognize that fact. Unbelievers are ignorant because they reject that fact and create voids in life where voids should not be.

Instead of being wowed by science, Christians should lament the millions of people who have been deceived by secular science and led to their destruction. Science does accomplish many things but one of its achievements is nothing to brag about or be proud of.

Ruining millions of people’s lives by feeding them lies is not something anyone can point to and feel good about.
