Crime & Punishment

Do unbelievers understand what punishment is? it is hard to say judging from the words they write on their blogs. One thing we have noticed over the years is that unbelievers will deny God the very same things the unbeliever employs.

We are not talking about employing sin or doing what is wrong. We are talking about everyday things like setting rules and punishing those who break them. Over at the BG website is an image with two men talking and devastation is all around them.

One man says ‘It says here that God loves us.’ The other man responds, ‘He has a funny way of showing it.’ Automatically the two men are blaming God for the destruction when God did not do it. That is leaping to conclusions or making assumptions about an action or words that everyone has been taught is wrong.

As far as we can tell, Hamas is not an obedient servant of God and is acting under orders from evil, not God. So do not blame God for that invasion or the hostages taken by Hamas. God allows bad things to happen for his own reasons which we can only allude to at this time. The content here is not about God’s reasons.

They would also have to keep every one of this bullying god’s 365 rules and regulations, including the petty and piffling ones. So far so good, apart from the fact it was all very one-sided, and the mutilation of course.

Notice the adjectives in that quote- bullying, petty, piffling, one-sided. Only people who do not accept those rules say things like that. They even do it to men in this anti-patriarchal era and call husbands all sorts of bad names because they set rules and expect their wives and children to obey them.

This is done regardless of the fact that unbelievers make rules and expect those who want to be around them to follow those rules. It is interesting to note that BG and other unbelievers do not call the Mafia or the Hell’s Angels (or other biker gangs) bullying, and their rules petty and piffling.

Nor do they condemn such groups for punishing those who violate their rules. It is only God that gets this treatment. But wait there is more.

God’s Chosen Ones soon find themselves slaves in Egypt…

Later, the Jews find themselves defeated by the Babylonians and are carted off into exile. This exile, which YHWH does nothing to prevent, lasts 70 years…

Fast forward to the Roman occupation of Israel. YHWH, having undergone a makeover, reneges on his promise to take care of his Chosen Nation forever and ever and comes up with a different plan to save people from his own cussedness. Now, if they want to continue as his friend, they have to believe a supernatural being has returned from the dead…

And on the false twisted accusations go. At no point does the writer of those words acknowledge the fact that the Israelites disobeyed and stopped serving God. It is as if that writer does not consider disobedience worthy of punishment.

He also seems to think that God is only supposed to love his creation and take them into heaven no matter how bad they are. He does forget that love punishes disobedience and crimes.

He also forgets that the Israelites were not made slaves by God. That was done by the Egyptians who followed evil and not God. He also ignores that God had the Egyptians pay fair wages when he rescued his people from slavery.

The ignoring doesn’t stop as he omits the reason for the 40 years of wandering. The people again disobeyed God and needed to be punished. If BG does not like that, we do not care, Crimes and disobedience are to be punished with fair and just punishments.

We know first hand what happens when governments fail to enforce their rules or change them and it is not good nor pleasant to experience. If there is anything to take from the stories of God’s punishments of his chosen people and those who did not accept his son as their savior, it is this- God enforces his rules.

No one will escape the penalty described in the Bible if they do not repent of their sins and start obeying God’s commands and instructions. That is right, even the practicing LGBTQ members will be punished no matter how many times they go to church or invade church leadership.

People can deny the rules of God, deny that sin exists, and even change the Bible (something that has been done and continues to be done), but God does NOT change or forget what he wrote in the Bible.

It is his rules that everyone will be judged by. Not the omitted or altered rules some people create because they do not like the fact that God will punish those who commit crimes, disobey, and even those who falsely accuse him of crimes he did not commit.


On a side note, there is another person who does not like the rules of God and complains about how people talk to him.

I have in the past received what I regard as stinging, and unnecessarily cruel ‘criticisms’ from the radical religious right peanut gallery. Needless to say, the lack of constructive effort from the peanut gallery leads me to not take their criticisms (which are nothing more than insults) seriously.

If you are going to relabel constructive criticism and categorize it to a label you invent yourself, then you cannot complain you are not receiving constructive criticism. All you are showing is your rejection of constructive criticism because it is not what you wanted to hear.

Then if you are going to insult those you disagree with, it only undermines your credibility. He is again just saying if criticism is not done his way, then it is not credible criticism. This is another example of unbelievers trying to write their own individual rules and reject commonly accepted definitions of the term constructive criticism.

Needless to say, it is a waste of time talking to such people as they will only do what Stephen’s accusers did and stop up their ears so they cannot hear Stephen’s words.

Criticism should have a purpose. It should be used with the intent of gently helping someone to realise they’ve made a mistake, or to understand how to improve. The sort of deeply personal, blunt criticisms – especially in the form of unsolicited opinions (such as telling a stranger they need to lose weight) – can be quite wounding. They are in fact less criticisms, and more insults.

Here he is making his own rules as commonly accepted definitions do not suit him. We cannot take his words seriously as he is one of a myriad of people who interpret other people’s words and change them to what he wants them to say.

Again, you cannot talk to such people as they are not honest and distort everything that was said. He then accuses others of crimes they did not commit. He also changes their words so he can attack them with his distorted views.

But he should also not complain as he posts publicly and has stated those who do are open to any type of criticism sent their way. He is free to end commenting on his posts but he is not free to tell others how they will respond to his content and what they write on their personal blogs, etc.

He commits many crimes in his blogging and comment posting, as well as his email content, yet does not feel he has done anything to be punished for. That is the problem with unbelievers.

They make up their own rules and do not feel that God has a right to interfere with their rules and that God should love them even though they are doing wrong and disobeying God’s rules. If the unbeliever wants to create their own rules and punish others for breaking them, then they need to not complain when God does the same thing.

By the way, everyone is under God’s rules but only the unbeliever and his loved ones are under theirs. Their rules are subjective while God’s are objective, fair, and just. All unbelievers have the same opportunity to escape judgment.

They don’t because they are deceived and refuse to accept Christ as their Savior. If they do not follow or accept God’s rules and way of salvation, then they cannot complain when they are punished.

God’s rules have been well documented and around since the beginning of time while the unbeliever’s rules are rarely published and only around when the unbeliever becomes an adult. Who is the fair one here?

Oh, and God’s rules do not change while the unbelievers’ rules can change on a whim and without notice. Who is just here?

When it comes to crime and punishment, the unbelieving world is far inferior to God and his ways.

{All quotes came from the BG & MM websites respectively}