Responding to a Response

People will not agree with us no matter how we write. Thus we would have no shortage of responses if we allowed comments to continue on this website. We just do not have time to respond to them all and thankfully, the BG website posts our content and links to our content when it makes a response to our subject matter.

Thanks to God for this as our readership is broadened and more people hear the truth although it is sometimes overshadowed by the comments made by the owner of that website.

When it comes to transgender tendencies, many people, not just us, claim the source to be a form of mental illness. When spoken by Christians, such as us, that is shorthand for a spiritual illness, not a psychological one. Before we get to the comments made by the owner of the BG website, here is what John MacArthur has to say on the topic:

The rapid increase in some forms of mental illness today can be laidlargely at the feet of increased sensuality of every sort… The corruption of our present society are not the result of psychological or sociological circumstances but the result of personal choices based on principlea that are specifically  and purosefully against God and his way (pg. 52, The Believer’s Walk with Christ)

We agree with that and in other words, the problem we have with the rise of transgenderism is because of a spiritual problem and the rejection of Christ and his ways, as well as a rejection of biblical content.

This same rejection of Christ & biblical content is found in the responses made by the owner of the BG website as you will soon read.

Subjectively, beauty is in the eye of the beholder. There is no objective standard for “best-looking woman

No, there isn’t an objective standard for beauty except the one in the Bible which tells is in effect:

9Likewise, I want women to adorn themselves with proper clothing, [g]modestly and discreetly, not with braided hair and gold or pearls or expensive apparel, 10but rather by means of good works, as is proper for women making a claim to godliness. (1 Tim. 2)


3Your adornment must not be merely the external—braiding the hair, wearing gold jewelry, or putting on apparel; 4but it should be the hidden person of the heart, with the imperishable quality of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is precious in the sight of God. ( 1 Peter 3)

Physical beauty has many standards as different people appeal to different people. However, when it comes to physical beauty, a beautiful woman is never a man. That is like comparing apples to watermelons. There is an objective standard that separates the look of a man from the look of a woman.

When it comes to beauty contests, men do not measure up when they compete against women. No matter what they do to their bodies, a man is not more beautiful than a woman.

Maybe because they aren’t homophobic bigots as Tee is?

One, we wish that the supporters of the LGBTQ community would stop using the Greek term for fear in their labeling of those who oppose their views. No one is afraid of transgenders. Everyone who disagrees with those preferences would prefer that that community and its supporters stop forcing their agenda on the majority.

Two, to stop forcing kids to accept the false ideology that they may be a girl when they are a boy and vice versa. The acts of some politicians and school officials are horrendous as they interfere with the rights of parents and block any healthy treatment of those children who say things like ‘I am a girl’ when they are a boy.

Three, to stop erasing women and pretending that their efforts are not hurting the female side of the human race. These groups that support and participate in the LGTBQ community are tone-deaf, selfish, and self-serving.

Four, we are not bigots but merely messengers of the truth that proclaim that there are standards that should not be broken. That does not make us bigots or homophobic or similar labels. We care about the truth and want everyone to hear it including God’s standards of right and wrong, good and evil, and morality and immorality.

There are lines and those that cross them and fight to make their sinful behavior seen as normal, good, etc., are wrong and in need of repenting of their sins. There is no other message for them except to stop harming those who disagree with them.

Why is Tee watching beauty pageants to start with? Personally, I am not a fan. Is not Tee lusting by looking at other women in this matter? Besides, I thought inner beauty is what Evangelicals valued most?

We are not watching them. How would we get the Netherlands beauty pageant on Philippine TV? We read the news and this story has been news in several newspapers. So his false accusation that we are lusting is just that, false and reading into our words what he wants us to be doing.

Also, valuing inner beauty does not make us blind nor having personal preferences for the type of woman we are attracted to.

What, to win a fucking crown or get their 15 minutes of fame? I have a wife, sister, daughters, and daughters-in-law. Not one of them thinks a beauty pageant-winning transgender woman has robbed them of anything. Tee is projecting his homophobic bigotry on heterosexual women

A logical fallacy is in this statement as none of the female members of his family entered the contest and had no dog in the fight. Of course, they will not feel robbed but those women who have to compete against these its are robbed of what is rightfully theirs.

That crown and fame is important to those contestants but we see him dismissing that desire as if it were trash. He shows his true colors towards women with such an attitude. The only one projecting their bigotry is the owner of the BG website.

Keeping non-women out of women’s events is not bigotry, it is the right thing to do. The owner of the BG website would rather discriminate against real women than have the balls to stand up to these pretend women and their supporters and tell them they can’t compete.

Jesus had absolutely nothing to say about LGBTQ people. Tee knows this, but he projects his homophobic bigotry on Jesus too

The owner of the BG website should read Mark 10 starting at verse 6:

5But Jesus said to them, “[d]Because of your hardness of heart he wrote you this commandment. 6But from the beginning of creation, God CREATED THEM MALE AND FEMALE. 7FOR THIS REASON A MAN SHALL LEAVE HIS FATHER AND MOTHER[e], 8AND THE TWO SHALL BECOME ONE FLESH; so they are no longer two, but one flesh

And since Jesus gave his disciples the words that God the Father gave him, then all of the Bible are Jesus’s words and he has spoken a great deal about LGBTQ preferences and how wrong they are.

1 Cor. 6:9, Romans 1:26-28, 1 Tim. 1:8-10, Lev.18:2, and more are all words of Jesus. We can include the OT verses because Jesus never changed any one of them. All LGBT preferences are sin and wrong.

Many transgender people never have gender reassignment surgery

Doesn’t matter doe sit? Transgenders mutilate their minds into believing they are a different gender than they were born as. Or they haven’t saved up the money to do the surgeries needed.

The fact that they have changed who they are is a mutilation and as they continue to pretend to be women or men, whatever the case may be, they are proclaiming they are something they are not. And they are monsters because they try to get little children to do the same thing.

OMG! Transgender women are “erasing” heterosexual women from society? Compare the number of transgender women in America — less than one percent — to the number of heterosexual, lesbian, and bisexual women. Why, this is akin to saying Mauritius is an existential threat to the United States

The owner of the BG website continues to create strawman arguments to deflect from the truth. He knows full well that it is not just the fake women that are doing this deed. it is all their supporters, league officials, politicians, education officials, many of whom are women, are doing this.

Who can forget the Governor of Michigan’s words when she called women menstruating people or people who have children (quoted from memory). If that is not an example of erasing women then nothing is.

But the owner of the BG website will edit the information to try to make a false point. Oh and yes, the citizens of Mauritius are a threat to the US because each citizen has the power of choice and just one individual can kill the president or vice president if they so chose to do so.

forced reeducation camps],  [locked up in prison]

This is the distortion and twisting of our words that we have come to dislike. It is not what we said but unbelievers like the owner of the Bg website will distort anything to hide the truth and try to discredit someone he disagrees with.

Therapy is not re-education nor is barring them from entering mainstream society is not putting them in prison. It is helping them get the help these people need to function correctly. itis also a protection for them so that they do not get beat up or killed which happens to many of their members.

The United States and Western society, for the most part, are secular. What the Bible says plays no part in law and governance

He would be surprised by how many laws in all countries around the world are based on biblical law. The Bible plays a large part in law and governance he just won’t admit to it. The only reason governments are secular is because the unbelievers have fought hard to keep God out of government.

They have kept the only person who can give them what they want away from governing while the unbeliever continues to let crime., corruption and sin continue. The track record of all unbelieving governments throughout history removes any validity to this argument.

talk about being all Hitler-like about transgender women…. Tee wants all transgender people to be incarcerated until they are “cured.”

More distortion, more logical fallacies, and more lies about what we said. We left out a paragraph as he continues to spread lies about our supposed personal lie. But that is par for the course for unbelievers.

When they can’t defeat the truth they attack the messenger.

Using Tee’s illogical logic, how are transgender women any different from Evangelicals who try to force their delusions on society? Should we have them arrested and incarcerated until they are cured of their delusions?

Evangelicals do not have delusions and what the unbeliever would do to Christians would not be healing them like it would LGBTQ members. Plus, evangelicals do not force their views on anyone, especially to the extent that LGBTQ community members and their supporters do to those who disagree with those preferences.

Attacks on Christians have gone up around the world, yet you do not see news stories where Christians have risen up and attacked or killed LGBTQ people or their supporters. Christians leave the decision to accept Christ as their savior in the realm of free choice.

The unbeliever creates laws and takes legal action against Christians for not accepting the LGBT way. There is a big difference between the two actions. Most of what he wrote was just one falsehood after another.

LGBTQ community members and their supporters need spiritual help and the way to get is for Christians to adhere to what 2 Chronicles says- if my people will humble themselves and pray, I will heal their land. (done from memory)

We need healing to take place in all countries of the world, and curing the LGBTQ members is a part of that healing.