Coward of the County

No, we are not talking about Kenny Roger’s song or movie but the owner of the Meerkat Website. He sent us several emails last week making demands on how we should run our website and we did not agree with his terms.

He seems to forget that we have the freedom to run our website as we see fit, as it is ours, not his. Well, he gets his shorts in a knot now because we won’t acquiesce to his requests and takes his ball, and goes home.

In other words, he has blocked us from reading his website after we have proven him wrong in the Fundamentalism: Scrouge of Society post he made a few days back. He doesn’t mind attacking those he does not like but he certainly gets upset when his views are proven to be in error.

He is very hypocritical to say the best about him and his content. he and the owner of the BG website do far worse to us yet we have never blocked them from reading our website. If we linked to some of the posts they made about us, you would be astounded at the rhetoric used to describe us.

Not only was their content derogatory in nature it was filled with insulting terms and lies. But unbelievers do not want to be fair, honest, or even nice. They also do not want to hear the truth so they stop up their ears, in this case their eyes, and block out anything that shows them to be wrong.

They are never honest. The owner of the BG website said he was taking a break from writing, yet aside from 3 guest posts, he has published more articles since that notice went than any other given week he was writing.

Honesty and integrity are two things we do not expect from unbelievers. But we can call them cowards as their actions are just that, cowardly. The MM website owner is exactly like the little boy who didn’t get his way and takes his ball and goes home.

He wants to call the shots even though he has no credibility, or legitimacy to call the shots. We laugh at him and his actions because he has not grown up but likes to bully those who are different from himself.

He is supposed to be an adult yet acts in the most childish manner. he should change the name of the website to chicken little. If we are being harsh it is because his actions exemplify everything we have just written.

We are getting more of a laugh than anything else and write this in a lighthearted manner even though he will make false accusations about us. He always does.


Oh and we never stop anyone from reading our articles.  No matter how insulting and bad they get.