Responding to a Response

We have let a couple of responses by BG and MeerKat Musings go unanswered simply because there was no benefit in talking about their wild assumptions and leaps to conclusions.

We can call those responses assumptions and leaps to conclusions as neither of those people took the time to confirm with us what they thought they read. But that is par for the course. Atheists do that all the time.

These two people are not the first atheists we have dealt with over the years. Plus, we have gone to atheist blogs and participated in discussions on those websites. We are not making things up as we go or just because BG said something on his website.

You can read his responses to our posts at this link. Our question is, if there is no God why is he so afraid of what we say? it would all be meaningless and we as well as all evangelicals would not be a threat to anyone.

Yet, he and Meerkat Musing continue to read our blog and make comments on their websites when they do not like what we have said. Their comments continue to provide evidence and support that our points are true and correct.

We will address his rebuttals now:

the defender of Fundamentalist Christianity from a dank, poorly lit basement somewhere in the Phillipines has written six more posts that are either about me directly or mention me in passing.

No matter how mean and insulting BG gets, we do not insult him or where he lives. If you are going to show that you have a better lifestyle than those you disagree with, then you should not insult or put those people down.

Of course, BG puts it on his website that he reserves the right to trash those he does not like but even that confession doesn’t make it the right thing to do. Especially when he doesn’t like being trashed by Christians.

#1. The history of the modern culture war is clear. One need only look at the history of the Moral Majority and other Evangelical groups who followed in their steps to see the people and beliefs behind the current iteration of the “culture war.” The same can be said of conservatives within Roman Catholicism and Mormonism.

BG, why should we risk mis-spelling his name when we will be taken to task by BG for doing so accidentally, does not know history. Not only was the first shot in the culture war was fired back in the 19th century when the concept of separation of church and state was mentioned in a letter NOT the constitution.

Atheists and unbelievers have been using that non-constitutional point for decades keeping Christians and other religious people from making the country better through better government.

We are referring to the establishment clause and it is not written in the constitution at all. It is READ INTO the 1st amendment not taken out of it. That is the first sign of trouble. People do this to the Bible as well and it has always been deemed as wrong. It is wrong to do to the constitution also (1 &2).

While people may not like the fact that Falwell and Robertson started their Political Action groups, they serve as a reminder that Christians are part of the public and their desires count.

The people doing harm on the political front are the unbelievers as, like scientists, they do not want God to be part of their lives or work That makes all their work tainted, corrupt, unfair, and so on.

As we said in another article, the unbeliever has tried for 6 to 10,000 years to run things their way and they have failed each and every time.

#2. Atheists are individuals. There’s no sect or church atheists belong to. Each atheist simply denies the existence of deities. That’s it.

BG must have his head in the sand as it took a very short 3-second search to find a host of Atheist organizations, with one we are very familiar with. The latter is well-0known for sticking its nose in other people’s business and forcing its secular way onto those who disagree with them.

You can see the long list of atheist organizations that have banded together to make life difficult for those who believe differently than they. Just click here. Then he does not seem to do any real research either as the other day we were watching some religious documentaries and we saw one that recorded an atheist ‘church meeting’.

If you click here you will see that there are such things as atheist churches. they are not individuals but come together to reinforce their unbelief. The BBC has written or done a show on a church as well.

The Rise of the Atheist Church

These emotional, mental, and physical benefits of religious practices and communities may explain the rising trend of “Atheist Churches”—most notably Sunday Assembly—which are being seen increasingly through America and Europe. (3)

Seems that Bg has some studying to do.

#3. It seems that Donald can’t or won’t understand why atheists might want to challenge Evangelical beliefs, especially since those beliefs directly affect and harm unbelievers.

Previous to this Bg states that he only represents himself but here we see that he seems to speak for atheists in general. This is why we do not have serious discussions with atheists. Their story changes as the wind changes.

If there is no God, then why should the atheists challenge anything an Evangelical does? It is of no threat to anyone because, without God, there is no changing of lives. No changing of lives means that people can live as they please and if they convert, they will get nothing in return.

The atheist may be thinking they are standing up for vulnerable people like the LGBTQ community, yet that defense is not extended to innocent people waiting to be born. It is a hypocritical challenge at best.

If the atheist doesn’t like vulnerable people being harmed, why are they helping to kill the unborn?

#4. Everywhere I look, I see Evangelicals who want to cause harm to others: women, LGBTQ people, immigrants, atheists, and Muslims to name a few. 

This is one of many examples of why we call BG and Meerkat Musings distorters. They are distorting the issues and not being honest in their presentation.

Just because the atheist does not accept the biblical role for women does it mean women are being harmed. There are plenty of opportunities for women as long as they stop usurping authority from a man.

As for the LGBTQ community, the atheist does not believe in right and wrong, moral and immorality, good and evil thus they are doing the harm to this group by telling them that their wrong desires and alternative lifestyles are okay when they aren’t.

Then he mentions immigrants but he fails to tell the whole story here as well. NO ONE is against LEGAL immigration but everyone should be against ILLEGAL immigration. There is a defining line that the atheist does not seem to understand.

Why should one group of people get to ignore the laws of the land while others have to follow them? Why are atheists supporting criminals? The moment an illegal immigrant crosses the border, they have violated the law and are criminals.

Their actions are not victimless crimes and many go on to commit more crimes while living illegally in any nation (4 & 5). Why would any atheist who wants to protect vulnerable people allow illegals to commit crimes against their fellow citizens, many of whom cannot defend themselves?

What he is going on about the Muslim we are not sure. But many Muslims commit racial (to use their term) crimes as well. Why should the atheist protect the Muslim when even the atheist is hated by Muslims?

An atheist is a non-Muslim and not of the book so they are a target for radicals.

#5. Evangelicals are an existential threat to our Republic.

We skipped his rhetorical questions as they are meaningless and without proof to support them. does he really want to get into a discussion on masks and vaccines when even science has said masks are useless? (6)

Or who is being a threat to the Republic when it is the secular governments run by Democrats who have fired people for not following their orders? These firings have only made the situation worse not better in America as many people are now without a job (7 & 8)

For all of his rhetorical questions, BG needs to bring some verifiable proof and stop making inflammatory assertions. if you do not like those references, read the news.

No, it is not the evangelical that is a threat to the republic it is all those who do not follow God that is the threat. Their efforts make the Inquisition look like a picnic.

#6. Abortion is not murder, need I say more? Eighty-eight percent of abortions take place in the first trimester — sixty-five percent in the first eight weeks. If Tee cannot or will not see the difference between a zygote and a child, I don’t know what to tell him

Really, science seems to disagree with him and although science will use the word zygote, it still agrees with the Bible that life begins at conception. (9 & 10). Whether you want to use the term embryo or zygote doesn’t change the reality.

Humans only can conceive humans and the seed and egg form humans only. There is no magical process where a bunch of cells suddenly transform into a human child. Playing semantics only confuses the issue which is what Atheists like to do.

Abortion is murder because mothers, fathers, nurses, and doctors are killing humans. Protecting life is not being a forced birther. it is like calling a policeman stopping a suicidal person from leaping from the top of a building a forced lifer

It is absurd and shows the ignorance of the pro-abortionist. We will bypass his 25 questions for now and save those for another day.

#7. Tee says LGBTQ people are sick, selfish, and perverted. That should tell you all you need to know about the man. Thou doth protest too much, “Dr.” Tee.

No, we probably do not protest enough. The LGBTQ community is filled with sick, perverted, and selfish people. Just look at their track record and pursuing unnatural sexual desires is perverted. Nothing can make those acts normal.

If you have ever been to a homosexual bar, you will agree. Obviously, BG only sees life through rose-colored glasses and does not really do any in-depth research into these issues or he would have a different opinion on the topic.

#8. Their marriages do not affect Tee and his fellow moralizers in any way. What drives Tee’s outrage is his lifelong homophobia 

Actually, they do and they harm the nation as well but since BG and atheists do not believe in sin or right and wrong, they do not see the danger of permitting these perverted acts. Or calling them normal and good. They are neither.

We have no homophobia. Those words are also why we can say BG and Meerkat Musings leaps to conclusions and make assumptions about us. They have no clue what we have experienced.

Besides, no one is afraid of homosexuality. It is a false label meant to belittle those who disagree with that lifestyle. The real term for atheists is evangelical phobia as they are truly afraid of evangelicals and the better lifestyle the Christian leads.

#10. Who is being hurt and how? How does wanting equal rights and protection under the law for everyone cause harm to others? No answers will be forthcoming

This is where talking seriously with Bg or atheists becomes absurd and useless. They turn a blind eye to what is actually going on. This is another area they distort so well.

LGBTQ people already had the right to marry but they just did not want to follow the rules of marriage. So they forced a change and that is wrong (see prop 8). This is a constant action by the LGBTQ people.

They do not want to follow the rules so they throw a temper tantrum, threaten to hold their breaths until they turn blue unless they get their way. LGBTQ people are nothing but spoiled babies.

#11. I am an agnostic atheist, David. You know this. So, please quit misrepresenting my views. 

The only one misrepresenting someone else’s views is BG and Meerkat Musings. We go exactly by the words written on their websites and link to them just in case we do make a mistake.

#12. Let’s see, “Dr.” David Tee’s books have sold how many copies, exactly? Surely Tee will provide his sales numbers for all to see? Something tells me his sales numbers will be 2,000,000 books less than Dr. Ehrman’s. 

Numbers do not make us wrong and Ehrman is right.  We had another atheist brag about how a non-christian author used over 100 quotes in his work. He was saying it proved how great the work was, etc.

When we pointed out that a scholarly Christian author had done the same thing, that atheist dismissed the achievement. Atheists will lie and be hypocrites as well as use a double standard all the time.

The ending of his response is nothing but a personal attack. Something we have not done nor will we stoop to his level. BG is wrong and some years ago moved to the wrong side of life.

We do not mention Ehrman’s books on our site because we may have already.l We are in our 10th year of writing here so those articles maybe somewhere.

In fact, we just checked and the most recent mentionings of Bart Ehrman was 1 year ago when we talked about his writing again. The articles are titled Bart Ehrman Has Written Again and part 2.

Like we said, BG and meerkat Musings like to assume and leap to conclusions.

Then in passing, BG says that ‘we are never wrong’ etc. No, God is never wrong and we just have a simple desire to find the truth. God leads us to the truth. So it may seem like we are not wrong but in reality we learn a lot and go through a lot of changes in that process.

We tried to understand BG’s side of the story and what got him to his current spiritual status. Our efforts were met with a lot of derision and false accusations. So we have stopped trying.

We feel sorry for him now. As for reading his blog, we always need material to teach believers what to watch out for. Atheists can seem like nice people but underneath their friendly facade, is someone who will try their best to undermine your faith.

The best thing to do is go with Jesus and let him guide you when you talk to atheists. Do not fall into their traps as your faith can be shaken like BG’s was. And when you turn to the wrong people to get help, you will end up on the wrong side spiritually and lose your salvation. Just like BG did.

Go with the truth and remember the atheist does not have the truth at any time.













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