There is No Reason to Be Hostile Towards Religion

Atheists, as you know, are very hostile towards religion. However, it is not all religions they do not like or do not tolerate. it is actually just Christianity that gets under their skin.

BG has once again provided a very accurate list of reasons why atheists, in general, are hostile towards religion. This is not a comprehensive list and some of the reasons probably would change depending on the specific atheist you talk to.

As we look through the list, all of those reasons can be boiled down to one simple fact- the Christian is not doing religion the way the atheist wants it done.

You will find that while atheists do not accept other gods from false religions, they do not attack those religious beliefs as often or as fervently as they attack Christianity.

We know that the atheist would never say the things they say about Christianity about Islam. They know that the Muslim does not necessarily turn the other cheek and the atheist does not have a death wish.

They are cowards and only attack those people they know won’t harm them in return. The Christian is to return good for evil done to them so the atheist feels safe in attacking the Christian church and its members.

But why attack  Christianity? If there is no God or Jesus as they claim, then whatever the Christian does, should not matter to the atheist. it would be a harmless religion among thousands of harmless religions and no threat to the atheist.

Also, the Christian teaching should not bother the atheist for it would not be true and as harmless as a gnat fighting an elephant. BUT since the atheist is so up in arms about Christianity, that means that the teachings of Jesus are a threat to the atheist because they are true.

Those teachings reveal the errors of the atheist and show everyone that Christ and God exist and are real. No matter how hard the atheist tries to deny these points, deny the existence of Christ and hell, etc., they are only providing real physical evidence that Christianity is the one true religion and God did create the world as he said.

Also, they prove that Jesus is the only way to heaven and salvation because, in all of their ramblings, the best the atheist can do is say nothing exists beyond this world. They keep harping on this theme even though they have no physical or scientific evidence to support their conclusions.

All they can do is stand there and yell or write that the Bible is wrong. They have yet to do more than just make wishful declarations. That tells us that behind the brave exterior, the atheist is afraid of going to hell and feel that they cannot do anything to change that destination.

The secular world loves to say that ‘misery loves company’ and the atheist provides the evidence that saying is true. They are working overtime to add more people to their misery instead of letting others receive the good news and escape their final fate.

The atheist has no love for anyone, including their mates, children, and other family members as they continue to lead them away from the truth and keep their ‘loved’ ones in sin.

If anyone is doing any brainwashing at home or elsewhere, it is the atheist as they continue to preach a message they cannot prove to be true. They will preach it to anyone that will give them the time of day.

They also hate Christianity for declaring that it has the truth and it is the one true religion, yet that is exactly what the atheist does for their position. They have set themselves up as an authority and make all sorts of declarations and say they are right while Christians are wrong.

So far, they have failed to show that they are correct. But then it is always easier to demand that others provide the evidence and then stand in judgment of that evidence than to prove your own position true.

In our book on Noah’s Ark, we start off with an unrealistic demand made by an atheist we have known for many years. That atheist wants to be judge and jury over the evidence dismissing any that would prove his unbelief and criticisms of the biblical accounts untrue.

That is a very hypocritical position to be in as the atheist never provides real proof that their arguments are correct. They have also provided no verifiable evidence that the bible is wrong.

Like the evolutionist, they just make assumptions, leaps to conclusions, conjectures, and hypotheses then declare the Bible wrong. But they never explore their own points deep enough and in complete honesty to see the true picture.

Their so-called evidence is not real evidence and never proves the Bible is false and that both Jesus and God do not exist.

Then, we must ask, why should the atheist be hostile towards Christianity? That religious belief brings everything the unbeliever wants out of life including low crime, less violence, a lack of wars, peace, and much more.

It is ridiculous to be hostile towards a faith that provides exactly what the unbeliever desires. It is also ridiculous to criticize a religious faith that they do not fully understand and simply asks them to humble themselves and accept Christ as their savior.

This ridicule and hostility tell us that the atheist would rather be ‘a ruler in hell than a servant in heaven’. So their main stumbling block to receiving what they want is pure arrogance and pride.

So it is because of their own failings that the atheist attacks and becomes hostile towards Christians and Christianity. It could also be the jealousy they feel as the believer has found something better than what the atheist has found or can offer.

So instead of attacking the atheist in return for their hostility, do good to them, pray for them and make sure their needs are met. They may not all make it to heaven but maybe we can save some of them.

Oh, and before we forget, keep in mind that the concept of separation of church and state is NOT written in the Constitution. It has no legal credibility and point out to the atheist that, when they attack the Christian desire to have God influence governments, their way has not worked at any time in history.

It might be better to let God rule instead of those people who want to exclude God from government and legal proceedings.

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