Whiners Whine, Distort and Misinform

As the Bible says, there is no fellowship between righteousness and unrighteousness. We can see that through the many rants and whines of those unbelievers who love darkness rather than light.

If Christians disagree with the unbeliever, then all rules are forgotten as the latter abuse the former in a variety of ways. Of course, our usual examples provide more than enough information to show how much they whine and how much they hate Christ and his ways.

They even go as far as calling proper education indoctrination even though it is their side that is doing the indoctrination. Under the titles Fighting Indoctrination with… Indoctrination?! (MM) & Are Public Schools Left-Wing Indoctrination Centers? (BG) these two miscreants continue to undermine proper teaching with their leftist and sinful ideologies.

To start, here is a paragraph from MM’s rant:

To summarise where I am coming from (we’ll get into the meat of FAIR’s article in a moment), I believe arguments over the morality – or lack thereof – of public school education are a smokescreen. The reality is one of indoctrination. The American religious right resents that their beliefs are not carrying greater influence in public schools. They dislike the uncomfortable-yet-accurate history of race relations being publicly taught. They detest the idea that the LGBT community is not being ostracised and shamed in mainstream education. There isn’t enough God in the classroom.

What unbelievers do not understand is that someone is going to be ostracized. No matter how one teaches, there will always be a people group that is demonized and left out in the cold. For unbelievers, they prefer that the Jewish community and the Evangelicals be those groups.

That is unless those two groups compromise and accept sinful teaching. There are two things that unbelievers forget. One is that those who choose to do what is wrong are not to be accepted or rewarded. Two, that they are not in charge of what is right or wrong.

They may have ’empathy’ and ‘sympathy’ for those God has deemed to be on the wrong side of good and evil and his other objective standards but that empathy and sympathy should not be motivation to elevate wrong behavior to normal and good status.

Instead, those feelings should be used to help those who have chosen the wrong path find the right way to live and get away from evil. Attacking those who are trying to help those who have chosen the wrong path in life is not helping and only speeding up the destruction of societies.

Their actions and words are interfering with what could help those who have been deceived can receive. Then the false charges in MM’s rant just show how much hatred he has for those who do not want lies taught in the public or any school system.

He continues declaring falsehoods coupled with false charges of hypocrisy as Christians want the truth taught to their children in the school system. Unbelievers are not teaching the truth nor are they educating their young charges.

If he wants to stop the hypocrisy, he should clean up the secular side of life and get them to educate properly while trashing the fake ideologies the unbelieving world is forcing upon the students. He won’t do that as it is easier to attack Christians who want something better than what the unbelieving world is offering.

There is nothing wrong with stopping what the unbelieving world wants to teach. it is wrong, misinforms, and distorts what life is all about. BG is no better as he, like MM, thinks they are greater than Christians and God and think their ideas are the best solutions to a problem their side of life has created.

You do not get solutions from the very people who have created the problem in the first place.

LGBTQ youth experience bullying at significantly greater rates than their straight and cisgender peers (Reisner et al., 2015; Webb et al., 2021), and bullying is a strong risk factor for youth suicide (Koyanagi, et al., 2019). LGBTQ youth are more than four times as likely to attempt suicide compared to their straight and cisgender peers (Johns et al., 2019; Johns et al., 2020). However, bullying of LGBTQ youth occurs less often at LGBTQ-affirming schools (Trevor Project, 2021).

Talk about distorting the reality. While LGBTQ may experience bullying, the LGBTQ does its own bullying. If you have read the news over the past few years, LGBTQ people have been ruining the lives of Christians who have refused service for specific events even though they have served the same people in other capacities.

This distortion is par for the course for those who hate Christ, the Bible, and God’s ways as well as their followers. The question that BG does not address is who is doing the bullying? Is it just the Christian or is it unbelievers as well?

Many unbelievers do not like LGBTQ preferences and bully and probably more so than what the Christian community is accused of doing. let’s not distort who is doing the unaccepting and bullying. Of course, LGBTQ affirming schools see less bullying and the reason for that is they are accepting and teaching students to accept sinful and wrong behavior.

Not accepting LGBTQ preferences is not wrong nor is it bullying. We do not accept and have fellowship with those who deny Christ and adopt sin and sinful lifestyles. Bullying, however, is not a reason to elevate sinful and wrong preferences to normal and right status.

We do not teach people who have chosen wrongly that they have chosen correctly. We do not let them live under false pretenses. To do so, as BG and other unbelievers want, is wrong and supports destruction.

Teaching them the correct way, God’s objective standards, and what falls into each category, is the only way for those leaning toward or who have adopted LGBTQ preferences to make an intelligent decision. Hiding the truth from these people is wrong as well.

If they kill themselves, that is their decision. No Christian forces anyone to kill themselves.

The migrants at the US border that Kali demonizes in her videos are seeking asylum from gang violence, the targeting of women and girls, and oppressive regimes propped up by US policy. Undocumented immigrants are less than half as likely as US citizens to be arrested for violent crimes (PNAS, 12/7/20).

This distortion is just creating more of a problem. We already know that the majority of illegal immigrants are not plagued by gang violence. It is also absurd to say that illegal immigrants are less likely to be arrested for violent crimes as there are more US citizens than illegals currently.

Thus the population difference ruins that point. Also, the mere fact that all illegal immigrants have broken the law by illegally entering the country makes the people group 100% guilty of crimes. You won’t match that statistic with LEGAL immigrants and citizens.

The whines and rants of the unbelievers distort the reality of what is going on in life. Plus, they are calling good evil, and evil good. They are not arguing from a position of strength but one that destroys societies and good people.

The truth is that their side is doing exactly what they accuse the Evangelicals and other religious groups of doing. Their accusations are a smokescreen in hopes no one will notice what is happening until it is too late.

Time for Christians to stand up and stop the sinful indoctrination before more students and children are harmed. There is nothing wrong with wanting your children to be properly educated.

{as for public funds, the unbeliever does not recognize the fact that Christians are part of the public and have a right to those funds, just like the unbeliever has. We dealt with this topic in other posts on this website}