Election Interference

This is what we have seen ever since Mr. Trump took office almost 8 years ago. The side that does not like Mr. Turmp, and this includes some Republicans, has sought ways to subvert his rule, shorten it or prevent it from happening again.

In all the elections we have witnessed over the past 60 years,we have not seen as much interference as we have when Mr. trump has been on the ballot. This is not right as it deprives the people of a candidate they want to vote or.

it is also not fiar as the democrats, progressives,m liberals, and anti-Trump people, all have had the right and freedom to vote for the candidate of their choice. They are denying that same right and freedom by doing what they can to keep Trump from reaching the presidntial office a second time.

That is very wrong. While Christians can object to this election interfering, they cannot object to the spiritual nature of the candidates.

Trump-ite evangelicalism or Biden-ist Catholicism?

Cultural times are hard for traditional Christians. American evangelicalism has proved a fruitful target for those both outside and inside the Church who want to stir up popular panic about Christian Nationalism, racism, homophobia, and all the other ill-defined but nonetheless mortal sins of our day.

Evangelicalism is presented as the root of all contemporary evils. Donald Trump’s recent hawking of a Bible bound together with America’s founding documents simply adds fuel to this fire. But in a week where it seemed that Trump’s would be the most blasphemous action of a leading politician,

President Biden outdid him at the last minute, declaring that this year Easter Sunday would be an official day of trans visibility, and predictably characterizing any who disagreed with him as motivated by hate.

The reason Christians cannot complain about the spiritual nature of the candidates is because they do not run their own candidates. The select from those who decide they want to be president and none of them meet the standards God set down to be a follower of him or even a leader.

Until the church does create a third party and run true godly candidates they can only exmine the candidates words, actions, and if they keep their political promises. Their spiritual nature has little to do with the office of president and it is a moot point.

Most who claim to be Christian or religious are forced to govern in a secular way because of a faulty interpretation of a letter, not the Constitution. Most Christians do not know how to govern wisely anyway. They are more interested in their personal agendas, like the democrats, to be any good at governing a nation.

Since people love darkness over light, it would be very hard for a truly godly leader to be elected to lead any nation. As we have seen by America’s example, people distort and abuse their freedom demanding rights over obeying the standards of right and wrong, good and evil, and morality and immorality.

They embrace the latter portions of each of those standards and then call the former portions evil and wrong. They won’t vote for someone who wants the former portions of those standards practiced and the latter outlawed.

You will notice that the Bible does not endorse a government of the people, by the people, for the people. As much as we like Lincoln, he made a mistake in making that declaration. He put the government in the hands of those who are not qualified to lead and are divided at best.

It is no wonder America has so many problems today. The majority pursued the wrong things and made a mess of a great country. Everyone wants their subjective way to be practiced just as many churches do today.

If they do not get their way, the leaders of those church factions leave the church and set up their own denominations. That is another reason why Christians cannot complain about the spiritual aspects of those occupying or vying for political offices.

The church has not set a great example of spirituality or Christian living. How can they when there are over 40,000 ‘Christian’ Denominations populating the world? The first church was of one mind as Acts tells us, but today’s Christians are not.

They cannot even agree on what spiritual qualifications a President must have to be ‘spiritual’ enough for Christians to vote for. Some Christians like open borders as it is their way of showing love for their neighbor. That is a misguided application of the verse but so are all the other verses that are used to justify sinful actions.

Some Christians approve of abortion whether they do it openly or secretly. Other Christians like to lie, steal, and bear false witness so the example that has been set in the past century or more has not been good.

When it comes to the 2024 elections in America or the elections in any other country, Christians should be praying for their leaders and that they will abide by both the country’s laws and God’s laws.

While we do not like the democrats and their sin-loving ways, we will not tell people how to vote. Just keep in mind what God said about those who call evil good, etc. No one is going to run for political office that will meet all the expectations and spiritual requirements the Christian wants to see.

So stop whining and do your best to keep the country from being destroyed. Elections are another area of life Christians can make a difference.