Finding Needs

There is a website, BG’s to be more specific, that likes to post the names, images, and crimes of those Christian pastors who have not been able to conquer their problems. For the most part, it is a useless list as it does not expose anyone of any secret crime they have committed.

It is just a reposting of actual news stories for whatever reason BG may have. We have labeled it as hatred for God and Christians in the past and it is simply piling on those who are down. It is an uncalled for list as it serves no purpose but to harm Christians and Christianity.

He tries to make God look bad through the fallen ministers who are paying for their crimes. However, no matter the bad reason BG has for posting these images and crimes, Christians can turn it into good.

Many Christians are always wondering what type of ministry they can get involved with. They want to serve God honestly but do not know where they can get involved. One option is to use that list to help those fallen men be restored to Jesus and the faith.

This is not a time we abandon those Christians who make these errors and have to pay for their crimes. We believe it was Charles Colsen who started Prison Fellowship AFTER he went to prison and was released.

No Christian has to go to prison to receive this inspiration. Nor do you have to start an organization to do this type of work. All you have to be is a friend to them. That is the initial starting point.

Then you have to apply scriptures correctly to your lives so you can identify when one of these men is being honest and sincere, as well as to learn how to cut through the BS. When Nathan confronted David, he did not put up with any false story. He cut through it by saying ‘thou art the man’ after eliciting the correct response through a well-crafted analogy.

Then be prepared to make mistakes but learn from them. That is how you get better at doing this type of work. You will make mistakes, be fooled by the men, and so on. This is not a ministry you go into without both eyes open.

BUT these men and women need the right kind of spiritual help and true friendship is the place to start. We do not leave them to rot in jail just as the unbeliever would and is doing. Nor do we post images, their crimes, etc., to further humiliate them.

However, we can do that after they have been successfully redeemed. That successful conclusion can be broadcast to inspire other men and women to reach out to Christ who have given up hope for their own redemption.

The key to this type of ministry is to be open to God’s leadership. One of our former professors at our undergraduate school told us in preaching class to be careful of repetitive applications. He told us a story of one minister who had an active healing ministry and was led to sing a specific song at one woman’s healing.

She was healed and the pastor came to the conclusion that he had to sing that same song every time someone needed to be healed. Repetitive application of God’s one-time direction is not a good activity to practice.

Different people respond to different influences and God knows how to get them to respond positively. So always look to God to get to the hearts of these men and women. The words and activities you use will be different in most cases.

It is not hard to find these lists of ministers who fail and are caught. They are posted in the Christian Post and other newspapers around the nation. Even the website Fox News has carried some of these stories.

Being a pastor is a hard profession to be in as evil will attack the minister through a variety of means. Ministers need prayer to remain strong, resist temptation, and remain in the faith. They are totally human and do have weaknesses they have not conquered.

Just because God calls them to the ministry does it mean they are impervious to temptation, perfect, or even properly spiritual. These lists prove that point. When these men and sometimes women fail, don’t get a superiority complex because all Christians fail in some way at some point

It could be you who needs help in the future so think about how you would want to be treated in those situations to help find the right way to deal with these men and women in leadership who already have failed. Do unto others is a verse that has a wide application including these pastors who fail.