Non-Christians Misunderstand

When we were in Korea, we would participate n different English Teacher forums among other forums. One of the things we noticed was that when we made a specific comment, the persons responding to our remarks never got our point right.

They would change what we said into what they wanted us to say and then respond to that reconstructed point. They were not responding to our point and missed what we said consistently. That is frustrating.

As time has gone by we see that practice has not changed as even BG does it without posts. He has written a post titled- Dr. David Tee’s Heretical Gospel- in which he attacks his own thoughts not what we actually write.

He continues to misunderstand what is written on this website and forgets that we are writing to those Christians who still believe. We do not try to rehash what believers already know but lead them to a better understanding of scripture so their lives can be pleasing to and bring glory to God.

In our writings, we may not touch on core gospel doctrines for the aforementioned fact. We are building on that knowledge so believers can be strong in their faith. This is why we wrote our books so that Christians can be strong in their faith and withstand the attacks of evil done through unbelieving bible scholars, scientists, and archaeologists.

We are not worried if unbelievers misunderstand what we say because they do not have the Spirit of Truth helping them get to the truth. They are deceived and being deceived by evil so it is a no-brainer that they will misunderstand what is being taught within these pages.

As you read Thiessen’s gospel, ask yourself, does this resemble anything you heard in church or preached as a pastor?

At no time have we claimed or stated that were are or were writing a new or our own gospel. That is read into our words by BG and other unbelievers. We have not changed one iota of the gospel found in the Bible as the post BG was responding to mentioned that salvation was through Jesus Christ.

What we didn’t mention was that salvation is as Paul said:

8 For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God— 9 not by works, so that no one can boast.

We did not say that salvation was by works. What we did say was that to be saved one had to follow God’s rules and that quoted verse is one of God’s rules. You cannot save yourself by doing good works.  What we did say was:

There will be many famous people who have lived good and moral lives but they won’t make it to heaven.

The reason for that is the rule for salvation. Being good and moral is not the criteria to make it to heaven. The rule to make it to heaven is to accept Christ as your savior and live by his rules. As Jesus said, why do you call me lord yet do not do the things I say

With God’s help, we made a very obvious point with those words. We also outlined how rules are a part of life with God. As you know, both God and Jesus laid out rules for their followers to adhere to yet at no time did we say that salvation was by those rules.

I am sure that… will say I misrepresented him, but the aforementioned words are his, not mine.

We could say that but we feel that he clearly misunderstood what was said. And his misunderstanding shows in his words and false accusations. He may have quoted our words but he did not represent them or understand them correctly.

We will reserve judgment on his reasoning for doing so.

What I read is a works-based gospel that is antithetical to salvation by grace. If perfection — the forsaking of all sin — is required for salvation and entrance into the eternal Kingdom of God, Heaven will be void of human life

As you can see, he is using his own words, not any objective help that may clarify what was said. Instead of clarifying he writes a misguided post attacking what we have said. That is one thing we have not liked as the 21st century has gone continued.

People leap to faulty conclusions, make bad assumptions then attack the speaker or writer for the reader’s or listener’s failure to understand what was written. This is why we have taught with God’s help that you do not use interpretation but follow the Spirit of Truth to the truth.

it saves you a lot of hassles and trouble in the long run. We are reading a great book by John MacArthur called ‘The Bleiever’s Walk With Christ and he begins chapter 3 by quoting Romans 6:1 -10 and we will just quote verses 1 & 2:

What shall we say then? Are we to continue in sin so that grace may increase? 2 [a]Far from it! How shall we who died to sin still live in it?

We do give up all sin for Christ’s salvation. This is what Mr. MacArthur said in an earlier chapter:

Biblical terminology, then, does not say that a Christian has two different natures. he has butone nature, the new nature in Christ. The old self dies and the new self liveds; they do not co-exist (pg. 41)

Where BG and other unbelievers get it wrong is when they claim that Christians who sin are still living with their old nature and are practicing sin. That is erroneous. Christians do not practice sin anymore like they did when they were unbelievers. They may fall to temptation, peer pressure, attacks from evil but they are not practicing sin at all.

Read the book to get a fuller understanding of what the Christian life should be like. But keep in mind, there are rules to follow. That may be where BG got confused. He may equate the term ‘rules’ with human legalism but that is not the case.

We do not put any rules on any believer at any time. God and Jesus have already done that. here are some of the rules that God placed in the Bible:

Colossians 3:9
Do not lie to one another, since you stripped off the old self with its evil practices,

John 13:34-35
I am giving you a new commandment, that you love one another; just as I have loved you, that you also love one another. By this all people will know that you are My disciples: if you have love for one another.”

Matthew 7:12

“In everything, therefore, treat people the same way you want them to treat you, for this is the Law and the Prophets.
John 14:6
Jesus *said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father except through Me.
The last verse is what we said in yesterday’s article. 
I encourage David to really rethink what he believes, especially in light of his own sinful behavior.
We encourage BG to stop writing on topics he does not understand and stop leaping to faulty conclusions. Everyone has rules and God has them as well as Jesus taught the greatest commandment, another rule, was:
Matthew 22:37
And He said to him, “‘You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind.’
People try to find ways to live as they please and justify their behavior and words by using the Bible incorrectly. Prior to the blog post, we are responding to BG wrote (And by the way he used his initials in a blog post he published and wrote on his website as well) about his last church.
We analyze his words and actions and see that he could have avoided many of his problems and still remained in the faith if he followed scripture correctly. We see in his words that he had many areas to work on in his personality, how he treated others, and so on,  but did not so he had a troubled pastoral life from the beginning.
He really is in no position to criticize anyone but he likes playing the victim and getting the attention. Sadly, it is too late to help him or we would.