The Cost to Women

Two days ago we wrote an article called ‘Let’s Cut the Bull’ and as usual we got a response from one of the two people we use as examples. But we are not going to deal with his complete response, just one sentence.

That sentence tells everyone that he and the other guy do not do research, listen to the news, or in any way pull their heads out of the sand to see what is going on in the real world. We include both here because we have had to deal with the same problem from both of them– they do not do any real or honest research before speaking.

please provide empirical evidence for the claim that transgender women are materially hurting heterosexual women and girls (BG website)

Those words were placed in brackets or parenthesis if you like the more technical term, behind these words- We cannot sit on the sidelines on this issue as they are hurting you if they hurt your wife or your female children.

There is a deep cost to women by allowing men pretending to be women to exist in normal society. We will have to deal with this in two parts as one is physical harm which has reached the news frequently.

The other is more psychological as fake women continue to do damage to real women and girls.

Part one- the physical damage

In this section, we will be quoting actual news articles reporting the damage fake women are doing to real women. And we do not want to use the word transgender here because these men are not real women and should not be identified as being able to make a transition that is impossible to make.

#1. A high school rugby league is under fire after a transgender female athlete allegedly injured three biological female players during a Saturday match.

A biological male identifying and playing as a female on Guam High School’s rugby team injured three biological female players from Tiyan High School during Saturday’s season-opening match, according to Tiyan High School head coach Conrad Kerber.

The transgender athlete’s “body size, body strength … completely dominate any girl that I have on my team,” Kerber said, according to a report.

“The aggressive nature that was witnessed clearly showed that it’s a definite issue that we have to deal with,” he added. “I have three players that were injured in that first game against Guam High directly by that particular player.” (source)

#2. In mixed martial arts, Fallon Fox, who “transitioned” from male to female at 30 years old, is the first openly transgender athlete to compete as a woman despite the dangers of injury to other competitors.

In September 2014, Fox fought Tamikka Brents. Within the first two minutes of the match, Fox had fractured Brents’ skull and gave her a concussion. Fox continued the brutal assault until Brents was knocked out.

“I have struggled with many women and I have never felt the strength I felt in a fight like that night,” Brents said later. “I have never felt so dominated in my life and … I am an abnormally strong woman in my own right.”

In any other instance, the domination of a woman by a biological male would make her a victim of abuse and injustice, according to the left. But because Brents was a woman fighting a trans-identifying biological male, the left dismissed her as a sore loser. (source)

#3. A North Carolina high-school volleyball athlete has suffered a severe injury after a transgender player spiked a ball at her head at and “abnormally fast” speed, newly released video footage shows.

The male opponent hit the volleyball at approximately 70 mph, according to the Daily Mail. One bystander claimed that it was “abnormally” fast, the publication said. The female teammate at Hiwassee Dam High School experienced trauma to the head and neck, reportedly.

She is still recovering from long-term concussion symptoms, including problems with her vision. She has not yet been approved to compete again.(source)

#4. A male soccer player who identifies as transgender injured a female player during a semi-professional women’s league game in Australia last month.

The transgender player’s aggressive shoulder check sent the female player to the ground where she lay unmoving. She was “unable to train until later in the week,” sources told Reduxx, and “when she did, it was only very lightly.”…

…The injury is the latest in a series of incidents that include transgender athletes injuring female players.

Dennis has allegedly injured female players in the league before, according to media reports… (source)

Those few examples are just the tip of the iceberg for unnatural physical injuries to women and girls. These examples also prove what Peter said in 1 Peter 3:7- “Likewise, ye husbands, dwell with your wives with understanding, giving honor unto the wife as unto the weaker vessel, and as being heirs together of the grace of life, that your prayers be not hindered.”

Men are stronger than women no matter what changes they have made to their bodies. it is not Christian to support this inclusion in female athletics.

Part two- psychological

This damage can be as devastating as physical damage done by fake women. Women have had it rough since the beginning of time and this so-called better modern era where equal rights have been established is not doing any better than when women were considered property.

The effort to be ‘inclusive’ has only succeeded in proving that biological men are biologically stronger than women. It has done nothing but harm women in a variety of ways. You will not find one Bible verse condoning or giving permission for this type of inclusion.

One of the first psychological harm that takes place is the loss of desire to achieve:

#1. “It is frustrating. I spend all of that time training to compete against other girls, and I find myself losing to biological males,” she said….

…Soule said that competing in sports is as important for young women as it is for young men and teaches important, lifelong lessons.

“It is one thing to show up at a meet expecting to compete against another girl you know is a worthy rival,” she said. “It is another to show up and know you will lose before you even start because of the biological advantages you can do nothing about.”

Christiana Holcomb, who is representing the three girls for the Alliance Defending Freedom, a legal foundation, said: “It is because of the advantages of those biological differences that these girls are losing their ability to compete fairly. That is what this is all about.” (source)

#2.Boy Bodies Rule

– In February 2019, two trans athletes (who were born male and identify as female) took first and second place at the Connecticut state high school track championship.
– In 2018, before the USAPL changed their rules, JayCee Cooper, a trans powerlifter, set records in women’s bench press after only having powerlifted for a year.
– In 2018, trans cyclist, Rachel McKinnon, took first among the women at the UCI Masters Track Cycling World Championship.
– In 2017, transgender weightlifter, Laurel Hubbard, set master’s world records and won the Commonwealth Games in Australia. (source)

Why try to achieve when you know that you will lose before you even start to compete? Other psychological abuses that fake women do to real women come through bullying. The following quote is from an excellent article on the topic and shows that women are being bullied into submission and are forced to accept fake women in their locker rooms, bathrooms, athletics, and even beauty contests:

Shaming women for their periods, reducing womanhood to simply a feeling, demanding women respect the declarations of men, demanding women get in line and keep their opinions to themselves, labeling any woman who speaks up for herself as a “bitch” or worse…these are the tactics of misogynistic men that are as old as time, and these are the tactics currently being employed by the transgender movement crowd.

The sad irony is that even when we’re told we’re making progress, there are still men out there who hate women, hate that we have thoughts of our own, and think they should be the arbiters of what a woman is, looks like, feels like, and how she acts…

…Toxic masculinity is running the transgender movement and it’s putting women in danger. (source).

We suggest that you read the entire article to get the complete message that author is saying. However, there are people who are saying that the fake woman trend is not harmful to women and that the real enemy is real women, and the men who defend/support real women in this effort them, who oppose this trend.

Trans women pose no threat to cis-women, but we pose a threat to them if we make them outcasts and pariahs (and insisting they use men’s bathrooms endangered them horribly). Trans women live dangerous lives, because gender nonconformity is punished in innumerable ways, speaking of patriarchy, and black trans women are murdered at a horrific rate, generally by cis-gender men. (source)

They are outcasts and pariahs as the fake men and women have chosen an abnormal path that cannot be accepted as normal or right. The only reason the fake women and their supporters fear real men and women is because the truth of the latter destroys the delusions of the former and makes them realize that they have been deceived.

The fake men and women are forced to see that they are not who they pretend to be and then must deal with the truth. The author of that quote was deceived by the outward appearance of the fake men and women she met in San Francisco.

We say deceived because even bad people can be nice. One guy, and we forget where we read this account but it is not original with us, said that when he got a job as a corrections officer in one prison one of his thoughts was he would be able to tell child molesters from regular criminals and people.

He was surprised at how nice and polite those child molesters were and how easy it was for them to be accepted as normal men and fit into regular society. Being nice and kind is not always a sign of a Christian as evil does masquerade as angels of light as the Bible says.

In the attempt to justify the idea that real men and women are a threat to the fake men and women elements of society, a couple researchers came to this conclusion, then used a very bad analogy to provide support for their theory:

The researchers focused on a notion referred to as “distinctiveness threat.” According to Social Identity Theory, our social identities, or the groups to which we belong, help us to define our personal identities. To the extent that the boundaries around the groups that are important to our identities become blurred, we may experience distinctiveness threat. In short, the uniqueness of who we are as an individual comes under threat when the boundaries around group definitions that we use to define ourselves shift or become malleable.

For example, imagine that you are a police officer and that being a police officer is central to your identity. Then imagine that the category of a police officer was replaced with “Security Professional,” and that this new category would include police officers, security guards, and installers of home security systems. This experience would trigger high levels of distinctiveness threat in police officers whose identities were highly enmeshed with being a police officer. (source)

The researchers are completely wrong in their thinking. This issue is not about a threat to one’s identity but about how completely wrong it is to allow these fake men and women to think the way they do and then let them into normal society like nothing is wrong.

The researchers go on to say:

In other words, if you strongly believe that there are only two sexes and that those two sexes always create two genders, and that it is not possible for someone to change from being one gender to another, being presented with a masculine trans man (someone who was identified female at birth) who visually and behaviorally is indistinguishable from a cisgender man, may be a very jarring experience that challenges binary beliefs about gender. (Ibid)

The problem with that statement is that ignores reality. Sure, a woman can take chemicals to boost their testosterone and strength, as well as mutilate their bodies to look like a man. BUT that act does not change the truth or reality.

There are only 2 genders and only 2 gender identities. You are either a man or a woman and neither can change that fact. Not only is this biblical as the Bible tells us God made male and female only, but it is also proven scientifically.

Science backs the Bible in this case. Those who think they can change their gender and those that support this delusion are the ones with the problem. They need help and it is up to the Christians to not only provide the truth but also provide the correct spiritual help to lead these deceived people back to reality.

It is not Christian to allow these people to harm women, invade women’s athletics and other events and it is definitely not Christian to go along with this deception. Christians should recognize this as a spiritual problem that needs the correct spiritual effort to heal these deceived groups of people.

When researching this topic, we came across a lead-in on one of our results pages with the following headline- Trans Women Are Women. When we clicked on it we got the following article from the digital Times Magazine:

Fears About Transgender People Are a Distraction From the Real Struggles All Women Face (source)

No one is talking about being afraid of fake men and women. But this is par for the course for those who support this trend. They change the topic to distract from the reality. Then those supporters start calling those who oppose this trend names and  making many unsubstantiated claims:

I mostly suspect transphobes just think trans people are weird and funny-looking, but they choose to couch their bigotry in a fear of the unknown.(Ibid)

Telling someone they are deceived and wrong, as well as doing the wrong thing is not a phobia or fear of something. Nor is it bigotry. It is trying to get those who adopt this trend to see the truth about themselves and what God has done at creation.

Just as a side note, the lead-in that caught our attention is wrong. trans women are not real women. They are fake women who have a mental illness that is spiritual in nature and they are in need of help.

The so-called trans women do not have one body part or process that a real woman has. They are never going to be woman no matter how much money they spend on cosmetics and surgery. The reverse is true for those women trying to be men through this trend.

There are some Christians who use the verses about being obedient to authorities as a justification for their support or not interfering in this trend. That is just an excuse to avoid problems and conflict.

When leaders go wrong and lead people to sin, Christians have to stand up and say the leaders are wrong. Leaders do not get to sin or lead others to sin just because they are leaders. God showed us the example through Nathan when the prophet confronted King David over his sins.

Just make sure to go with the power of God and follow his lead. The truth and supporting action need to be done in true godly love. That love does not keep people in sin or believing deception over the truth.