Uganda Got It Right

If you haven’t heard, the African country Uganda implemented some strict laws against LGBTQ preferences. Not only is it their right as an independent country to do so, but stopping LGBTQ perversions is one way to preserve a country.

The Church of Uganda has released a statement regarding their country’s recent legislation banning homosexuality and imposing severe sentences on those who promote and engage in it, including capital punishment for men who rape children and the disabled. The new legislation is some of the harshest in the world, and Rev. Dr. Stephen Samuel Kaziimba Mugalu, Archbishop of the Church of Uganda, shares these thoughts on it. (source)

We liked what the Archbishop said in his statement:

The Church of Uganda welcomes the diligent work of Parliament and His Excellency, the President, in crafting the Anti-Homosexuality Act 2023.

“We’re grateful the current Act affirms the merits of the existing provisions in the current penal code. We are also grateful that the Act builds on existing laws by offering greater protection of children through strong anti-grooming measures, strong restrictions on promotion, and protection of children by not allowing those convicted under the act to be employed in organizations that work directly with children. We also appreciate that the Act protects people from false allegations.

“As expressed in our responses to earlier versions of the Anti-Homosexuality Bill over the last fifteen years, the Church of Uganda supports life and, in principle, does not support the death penalty. As grievous as aggravated defilement and aggravated homosexuality are, we do not support the death penalty for those crimes, and continue to recommend life imprisonment instead.

“I also want to remind you of a few things I shared in my Easter message in April. Homosexuality is currently a challenge in Uganda because it is being forced on us by outside, foreign actors against our will, against our culture, and against our religious beliefs. They disguise themselves as “human rights activists,” but are corrupting real human rights by adding LGBTQ to their agenda.

“There have always been a few people in our communities who were known as homosexuals and the communities knew how to relate with them. The fact that very few of our local languages even have a word for homosexuality shows how it is not a part of our cultures and our communities. This is one of the areas where our culture is aligned with the Bible, which never speaks positively about homosexual relationships.

“LGBTQ relationships should not be promoted in school curricula, in cartoons, in so-called “human rights workshops,” or any other forum as normative. There is no moral equivalence between LGBTQ relationships (which cannot procreate) and lifelong, heterosexual, monogamous marriage. The Bible teaches, and scientific studies have shown, that children flourish when they are raised by both their mother and father, and with the presence, involvement, and support of their extended family. This is the African way; this is the Biblical way; and this is the way shown to us through natural law.

“Those countries that legalized homosexuality a long time ago have seen a long-time decline in their population growth. In fact, many of those countries are now faced with the problem of negative population growth. Negative population growth leads to the collapse of countries, cultures, civilizations, and economies.

“We are grateful the President has assented and signed into law the Anti-Homosexuality Act 2023. This ensures that Uganda does not set a legal precedent that will be difficult to overcome in the future. The LGBTQ-affirming countries have shown us the negative consequences. We thank the President for not surrendering to their threats and for protecting Uganda from their paths of self-destruction.

“At the same time, we must recognize we also have major challenges in our families and communities with heterosexual immorality. Fornication, defilement, and adultery are also attacking our families, our souls, and our country. Many of the people loudly protesting against homosexuality are quietly fornicating or betraying their spouse through Gender-Based Violence, adultery, or defiling their own children.

“The Anti-Homosexuality Act 2023 is good and we are grateful to the President for assenting to it. But, it will not solve all of our problems. We must also examine our own hearts and repent of sexual greed.

“Many people feel like they can’t control their sexual urges. It’s as if they are a slave to it and they must obey it with whoever is in front of them. Sexual temptation is a very strong force, which is why we preach Christ crucified and risen because He sets us free from being slaves to such temptations.

“For those who have been caught up in the lies of homosexuality, fornication, and adultery, God wants to set you free from the bondage of those lies. I call on our churches to develop pastoral healing ministries and recovery centres so the church will be a safe place to find healing, forgiveness, freedom, and hope from whatever sexual sin you have been enslaved to.”

If you are going to break the rules governing right and wrong, morality and immorality, and good and evil, then you must be prepared to face the consequences. You cannot expect anyone to join in and praise you for being a rule-breaker.

They should not be surprised to find many obedient people to those rules to oppose the further indoctrination of their children by these perverts. One blog post owner wrote two articles attacking those that disagree with the current LGBTQ movement. He titled them:

One Million Moms Wages War Against LGBTQ People & Ohio Republicans Continue to Viciously Assault LGBTQ People. Which of course, are distortions of what really is going on. His comments basically deny the same rights that he wants for LGBTQ members.

But that is what happens when you promote evil or good. Someone is going to lose their ‘rights’. Except that the LGBTQ community doe snot lose any rights, they just have to abide by the rules to get them.

Those articles provide you with an insight into the minds of those who do not believe. No one is viciously assaulting LGBTQ members. What is being said is you are not a girl nor a boy so you must participate in those events aligning with the gender you were born. That is not wrong as it protects those people who first, follow the rules, and second are losing their rights to make a minute minority feel good about themselves.

And no, they should not feel good about themselves as the LGBTQ community is wrong. While we do not actively endorse or encourage boycotts, some people feel this is the only way to get their message across.

Boycotts can backfire and, in the end, hurt a lot of Christian businesses when the shoe is on the other foot. However, the million mom organization is not stopping people from being LGBT. They are stopping businesses from promoting perversion to their children.

There is a big difference that the unbelievers will not admit is present. For some reason, the unbelievers cannot get it into their heads that you cannot mutilate your body and become another gender. No matter what one does to harm their bodies, they their gender will be what they are born as.

DNA does not lie even though there are scores of people lying to children about their gender identity. But continue to see distortions to the arguments and be wise. Let God help you see through those arguments and help you get to the truth.

The people causing most of the problem are those forcing the LGBTQ ideology down everyone’s throats and attacking their children.