Are Evangelicals Responsible for the Culture Wars

The answer according to BG and other atheists seems to be a resounding ‘yes’.  Just read his words as BG speaks for himself and other atheists:

It seems that Donald can’t or won’t understand why atheists might want to challenge Evangelical beliefs, especially since those beliefs directly affect and harm unbelievers.

This concept is held by atheists world wide. Instead of taking the blame for their own actions, it is easier and more convenient to blame someone else. The easiest target is the Evangelical or the RCC or some other protestant religion that goes against atheist ideals.

BG repeats himself and makes his accusation even clearer:

Evangelicals are the primary force behind the culture war.

Then he goes on to list the ‘crimes’ being committed by Evangelicals that not only supposedly started this culture war but fuels it. Those are strong words to hurl against a group of people who look to help everyone in the nation in which they live.

But when you look at the crimes Evangelicals are supposed to be guilty of it really makes you wonder where the minds of atheists are at. How is it wrong to stop abortion and make that act of murder illegal?

How is making abortion illegal a far worse crime than killing innocent people? If a Christian stops a man from killing a woman on the street he is praised, yet when it comes to protecting unborn children from their parents somehow that act of sparing a life is worse than the atrocities committed by Stalin, Mao, and Hitler put together.

Obviously, atheists have a warped sense of what is fueling these so-called culture wars. The same questions can be put to the support of same-sex marriage.

How is it wrong to stop people from being perverts, mocking traditional marriage, and wanting to preserve that rite of life for everyone? Why should an institution become a laughingstock simply because some people do not want to follow the rules of marriage that have been in place since the beginning of time?

Where is the crime in limiting the institution to only those who will follow the rules? There is no law stating that same-sex couples cannot love each other outside of marriage.

However, there are certain rules in place that prohibit non-married partners from benefiting from certain aspects of life when a same-sex partner dies, is injured, and so on. To change those rules one does not have to destroy the institution of marriage but the LGBTQ community doesn’t care about that.

They are very selfish and only think of their own selves. It is not the Evangelical that fired the first shot in this battle and they have the right to defend the institution of marriage and keep it holy, sanctified, and pure.

After all, it is the sick and perverted that is invading the domain of marriage and they were not invited to join. In this case, the LGBTQ community is the one to blame for the war over marriage.

Then BG states the next crime to be marginalize LGBTQ people, yet how so? He does not go into detail here and in reality, homosexuals were never really marginalized. One of the codebreakers of the German enigma machines was a homosexual.

They got to help in the War and they got to work, live in homes, and so on. People draw the line when special rights are being granted. The selfish and greedy reach of the LGBTQ knows no boundaries.

If he means that LGBTQ people cannot pastor a church, practice their sin in the church or be part of any church leadership, the evangelical has the right to stand up and say no. The LGBTQ community again is invading somewhere they have no right to be.

The different governments do not own the church and they have no say who can be its leaders. It is God’s church and he gets to make the rules. If the LGBTQ community doesn’t like it, too bad. No one trumps God.

But these crimes may only be the smoke screen for the most important ‘crime’ held against the evangelical- establish a Christian theocracy where the Bible is the law of the land.

What is being said here is that the atheist really wants to make their own rules and live by them. They do not want to humble themselves and say to God, ‘okay, we will obey you…’ They want to be masters of the world and live their own ways.

They do this regardless of how much harm and hurt their alternative lifestyles do to other people. It is not the Christian or Evangelical that is harming people, it is the atheist.

Their fight against something that is good and beneficial for everyone only proves that point. Our series on ‘There is no reason to be hostile to religion’ has shown that true Christianity benefits the world and the atheist.

The atheists’ support for abortion is hurting millions of babies every year. The abuse of traditional marriage hurts parents, children, and others. The pushing of the LGBTQ agenda hurts almost everyone in some way. The bullied have become the bullies.

If the LGBTQ way was better than the Evangelical way, then we would not see Christians targeted for lawsuits, fired from jobs, or dismissed from athletic teams for their opposition to LGBTQ people.

The Bible says to do unto others as you would like to be treated but the LGBTQ community has forgotten how they would like to have been treated when they were bullied. What they have done is become far worse than the people they accuse of bullying them

Everyone is being hurt by the atheist support of the LGBTQ agenda. Finally, the atheist and their fellow unbelievers have not created a great society to live in with their rules.

Crime is out of control, injustice is being done daily, people are being killed, shot, robbed far more now than when God’s rules were on the books. Also, criminals are not being punished for their crimes. How is this better than a God-centered nation?

When you look closely at the facts, the atheist is merely blaming Christians for what they are actually doing. There is nothing wrong with barring non-heterosexual couples from getting married.

There is nothing wrong with stopping abortion and making it illegal again. There is nothing wrong with bringing proper punishment to the criminal. There is something wrong when you fight against the only solutions that will stop the evil and make a nation better.

The blame for any so-called culture war rests on the atheists as they are the ones who love darkness over light. The only blame that rests with the Evangelicals is when they do the wrong things to stop atheists from making any nation worse.

If the atheists want to see the real criminal in this so-called war, then they need to get a mirror and take a good long look at themselves and what they say to others. Then they need to point the finger at themselves. Their pursuit of evil is the root cause behind any culture war they think is taking place.

The Evangelical is just trying to keep sinners from going to hell and destroying the nation. That is not wrong.

Oh, and the atheist says that those who make extraordinary claims need to produce the physical evidence to support those claims. Well. BG says God does not exist, there is no sin, and many other anti-biblical claims. He has yet to produce any real physical evidence to support his extraordinary claims

We challenge him to do so on his blog instead of declaring how many years he has been in ministry, how many sermons he has preached, or how he has trouble going to the bathroom (way too much information there).

Let’s see bone fide evidence, not just empty talk. Quoting like-minded people with the same declarations is NOT evidence.


On a side note, BG has this to say:

If Donald has not done so, I encourage him to read one or more of Dr. Bart Ehrman’s books on the history and nature of the Biblical text.

We know Bart Ehrman through his books, lectures, and debates. How could anyone think he has the truth about the Bible? He makes a lot of declarations but we are yet to see him produce any hard, verifiable, physical evidence that any of his declarations are true.

He has been known to say that the NT has over 400,000 errors. Yet, that is more errors than words in the whole New Testament. Mr. Ehrman’s ‘facts’ are not facts.

Dr. Ehrman has been proven wrong by Daniel Wallace, Dr. Craig Evans, and a host of others. In their debates, Ehrman spends more time trying to evangelize than refuting points. In fact, he never refuted one point made by those gentlemen.

His books are the same way. It is all his point of view not facts from archaeology or history. All you get from Bart Ehrman is lies and misrepresentations.