How We Are Treated -3

We are not going to belabor the point but we noticed some errors in the comment section over at BGs article and we should correct them We have the time as it is very slow for other work right now.

And if I knew with 100% certainty that DDT was going to be fatally hit by a truck unless I warned him, the only reason I’d do so is so that the truck driver wouldn’t get traumatized.

We weren’t going to comment on this remark but, this is coming from people who consider themselves more moral than God. We have seen them attack God about events in the OT they do not like then brand him a mass murderer. How sad that they have no real morality to spread to others.

That’s the thing. Children should not be forced into having children. They deserve to have a childhood and there’s a good set of reasons for why we moved on from older worldly models around child labour and stuff like that. I’m not sure David appreciates that.

We already mentioned what we are about to say here to Ben on his website. His position is idealistic, unrealistic, and impossible. One reason for saying that is the ‘concept of having a childhood’ is a false concept. It does exist and even if it did it is very subjective.

Two, his concept of having a childhood is marred, first, by the rape and then second, by the abortion. Allowing or forcing children to commit sin is ‘ NOT ‘having a childhood’. Third, once a child has passed through puberty, they are no longer a child.

Ben and others like him do a dis-service to teenagers by keeping them in the childhood stage for far too long. We asked him if he is going to take over this country and force his views on the people here? The concept of a childhood here ranges from region to region and parent to parent.

He is lost in space somewhere if he thinks that having children commit sin is going to provide them with a childhood.

I suspect his advanced “degrees” are from unaccredited overseas institutions of a Fundamentalist persuasion.

People love to speculate but he is wrong. We will not divulge anything here but it is not where you get an education but that you get the truth. The truth is not found in secular academic institutions.

Tee is lying. And he knows it. He knows the churches I attended from 2002-2008 were ALL non-IFB churches. Why in the hell would I EVER attend an IFB church? The IFB is a full blown cult. I haven’t done so since the late 1990s. In fact, I documented the names of the churches I (we) attended:

This is something we need to correct. We are not lying but we may have mis-read the post his secretary wrote. The post was very specific and we could have made a mistake in reading her content and drawn the wrong conclusion.

However, with that said, he posts a link to churches he was supposed to have attended at that time. The problem is, that link went to an article we never read nor contained any words from his secretary. We are not the ones doing the lying or mis-representing what was said.

We did find the quote we used and did mis-read her intent as she just said churches, not IBF. Our bad there. The charge of our lying was far too quickly but that is how unbelievers work. They will leap to the worst possible option and then try to ruin people’s reputations by claiming they lied.

We didn’t lie, we just drew the wrong conclusion from her words.

The one asking you about the day of your departure was awful

Leave it to the unbelievers, especially those who hate Christ, to distort everything you say or write. There was no ill will, ill intent, or any other wrong motivation behind that question. We were curious if he knew more than he was telling.

But you know what, we can’t prove it as no one can read our minds.

David Tee, if you read this, you’re turning me away from your faith by your behaviours. Yes, I know you’d say it’s my mistake if I become disillusioned, but in your brand of Christianity – I’m assuming you’re an Arminian – my blood is partly in your hands too. If indeed I will have to face (your version of the Christian) God in the judgement day, before I leave to be escorted to (your version of the Christian) Hell, I’ll tell my story. Probably God will listen and severely downgrade the size of your mansion and reduce the carat of the crown on your brow.

Instead of blaming us, he or she should be blaming evil for deceiving them, blinding their eyes to the truth, and leading them to lies. We preach the words that God wants us to preach and that means we obeyed God. We are not going to be changing anytime soon.

We are not the ones in the wrong. But from the sounds of his or her comment, it sounds like they do not want to give up sin anyways. They are just looking for justification for their bad decisions.

If I knew how to crash his website, I would do it. If you can find a picture of him, I’ll sew a voodoo doll that resembles him and stick lots of pins in it ….

How sad, but it proves to everyone that leaving Jesus or ignoring him is not the smartest or correct move anyone can make. If they were better than Christians they would find something nicer to do than threaten him or her with evil deeds.

And feigned concern is the worst, and Tee gave you exactly that. I tried responding to him but he never replied to my comments either. Probably I’m not worth his time, I don’t know.

Another time where people who do not know us think they can read our minds. We do not remember his attempts but if we deleted them it was because they were not appropriate. We did respond to someone who we later found out posted at BGs site.

But like all the people that go to those sites, they are not interested in changing nor are they ready to accept the answers given to them. They want answers that let them keep their sin and not have to change.

Tee is right about one thing, I didn’t treat him very well. As an unbeliever, I no longer have to play nice with assholes like Tee. I spent decades feigning love towards hateful, judgmental, hurtful people. I don’t have to do that any more.

Yes, we called BG a quitter as that was a common theme throughout his life. He quit on high school, college, his church, Jesus, and, as we see. anything to do with Christian behavior towards others.

Lesson learned. I’ve deleted his site from my RSS reader. I’ll leave it to God to tell me if Tee has written something I should read. God has been silent for 2,000 years, so I don’t expect that I will hear from him. And I most certainly won’t be hearing from Tee. I think I have figured out how to keep his comments from reaching my eyes. Thanks, Michael Mock, for provoking me to good works

When they quit, they spend their time hiding from God, and the truth no matter who brings it across their path. They are all the same and if you want to understand why Jesus said not to cast pearls before swine, it is because they will trash and reject it without using an open mind.

Someone pointed out to me tonight his use of the words we and us instead of I. Either he has multiple personality disorder, poor grammar skills, or he literally thinks he speaks for God and True Christianity. I suspect it’s the latter.

We explained that already and not going to do that again. But we do not expect to get kindness or understanding from those who do not believe.

I don’t understand Tee. Why does he attempt to interact? It’s clear that his mindset is entirely different to that of most people that come to this site, never mind his beliefs.

One we wanted to understand his position better. We read where he didn’t want Christians to evangelize him and so on so we took a different tack and used his words to help true Christians through different lessons. Don’t be a young Peter was one of those times.

Two, we feel sorry for him and the decisions he made. We are not happy he left the faith and certainly not happy that he gave up. It is very sad to see him make those decisions and say the things he says, and that includes those who comment under his articles.

We do not get joy in seeing anyone go to hell. Three, we want him to stop posting and leave those believers who are struggling alone. They do not need BGs kind of help.  We do not want more people going to hell on account of BGs words and actions.

If he had any compassion for other humans, he would stop his website and keep his unbelief to himself. Then let them go to true Christians for help before it is too late.


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