Benjamin Corey & Sodom

Different people have different views about Sodom. We are not talking about the fight over the northern location or the southern location as to its geographical place on the earth, but the reasons why Sodom was destroyed in the first place. Dr. Corey is one of those people who thinks his view is the correct one

As we read through his article, the first wish we had was that it would have been nice if the writer placed actual evidence to support his views and declarations. Having studied Sodom, Gomorrah and the nature of the destruction because of our opposition to Dr. Steven Collins and his agenda, we know that there is almost nothing written in ancient records concerning Sodom’s sexual preferences, their wickedness and why they did what they did or wanted to do with the two angels that came to rescue Lot and his family.

Anyhoo, the angels went into the city to grab Lot and his family, but there was just one problem: their worst fears turned out to be true and the city was full of basically the worst people on the planet. They even formed a mob outside Lot’s house and wanted to haul these strangers out into the street and gang-rape them. Lot tried to talk them out of it, but they reminded him that he was just an immigrant and that they’d do even worse to him if he stood in their way.

Aside from the fact that angels have no fear, they cannot die or be injured, plus the fact that they already knew the state of the personalities in the city before they entered the only bit of truth in that quote is that Lot tried to dissuade the inhabitants of carrying out their nasty deeds.

Now, I *shouldn’t* have to explain that there’s a difference between being gay, and wanting to beat and gang-rape immigrants in your local town.

While there is a difference between gang rape and homosexual tendencies, we know of very few straight people who would use homosexual gang rape as an option. We have never come across a news story that has straight men raping other men. While we are not privy to everything, our exposure to news, especially of this type, is not rare.

The irony here is that in fact, this wicked action tells us the people of Sodom and Gomorrah were likely harshly disapproving of being gay– which is precisely why they weaponized it. You see, in these ancient cultures homosexuality was largely despised because the one on the receiving end of the transaction was seen to take on the role of a woman– and if there’s one thing they hated more than gays, it was women

This is where we would like to see some credible, legitimate, bone fide evidence to support those statements. Revisionist historians, like Michael Vine, have tried to change the views of the ancient world concerning homosexual acts and behavior but they cherry pick their evidence. Not one shred of proof exists to back up the at least three faulty statements we see in that quote.

First, women were not hated in the ancient world. In Minoa, women were treated as equals and enjoyed large amounts of personal freedom. Second, why would anyone weaponize a sexual preference they find disgusting and unnatural? It makes no sense, considering that there were other forms of torture that would do the same thing. Cutting off the penis would achieve the same goal. Third, homosexuality was probably despised because it was wrong, unnatural, dirty, and other negatives you want to attach to that sexual practice not because it made one person like a woman.

But we would like to see real proof to support those allegations. We haven’t found any yet.

Thus, for one man to rape another man wasn’t an act rooted in sexual desire, but an action rooted in humiliating and demoralizing that person. It would have been an action to strip them of their manhood.

We have not come across this thinking either and how does Dr. Cory know this was the motivation in the minds and hearts of the people of Sodom? It is possible that their demands was based on homosexual desire. We see no evidence to support his version of events in that city.

Had Lot seen them as being gay, he would never have offered to let them have sex with his virgin daughters instead

Really?? How does he know? Protecting someone against a mob can lead to some very desperate measures, including offering women to homosexuals.

hey weren’t interested in that option- not because of sexual orientation, not because they were seeking sexual pleasure, but because they wanted to send a strong message to these new immigrants who wandered into town.

And why would they send a message to the two angels who were not immigrants? It is more likely that they wanted to have new people to have sex with. They do not know anything about these men or if they are even going to stay in the cty? Dr. Corey has stepped out on another limb here. Again he needs proof not just wild statements.

This was rape. It was an anti-immigrant hate crime. None of it has anything to do with sexual orientation.

Please do not put modern terminology and ideology into ancient biblical events. In studying ancient history, we have never come across this form of treatment conducted by inhabitants to immigrants. We can say it has everything to do with sexual orientation and not a hate crime.

These weren’t people inviting the angels to come out and participate in a gay pride parade, but were instead trying to humiliate and demoralize them by forcing them to be on the receiving end of male/male sex, something that would have been extra detestable for these bronze age tribes.

For what purpose? There is no reason for the inhabitants of Sodom to humiliate or demoralize the angels. They had done nothing to the residents and violated no law. You do not demoralize or humiliate anyone for no reason.

Behold, this was the iniquity of thy sister Sodom: pride, fulness of bread, and prosperous ease was in her and in her daughters; neither did she strengthen the hand of the poor and needy. And they were haughty, and committed abomination before me: therefore I took them away when I saw it.” – Ezekiel 16:49-50

Now Dr. Corey turns to scripture to try to bolster his point. Just because the word homosexuality is not listed does not mean that the residents of Sodom were not homosexual. But if you look closely at that passage of scripture, you will see the word abomination. That is the word that God uses to describe homosexual sin in Leviticus.

If you look at modern homosexuals you will see haughtiness, pride, selfishness, intolerance in their actions as well. The presence of those sins does not mean that a homosexual is not homosexual and not being punished for their homosexual preferences. The verse leaves the door wide open for the practice of homosexuality in Sodom.

But none of that has anything to do with being gay.

Again we say– Really?? Prove it. We must ask why is Dr. Corey so bent on defending the homosexual and clearing them of any wrongdoing?

When the Bible describes a bunch of rich a%&@! who didn’t give a rip about the poor and needy, and who hated immigrants so much that they were content to rape and dehumanize them, it’s not describing the same thing as when that kid in your church youth group works up the courage to admit they’re gay.

He hasn’t produced one credible ancient manuscript to prove he is right.  And the fact that they may have been like that does not mean that they were not homosexual. Dr. Corey also compares apples and oranges as a young kid thinking he is gay is not the same thing as adults who have practiced homosexuality for years or decades. Thinking one is gay and practicing that behavior is still sin just as homosexuality in the ancient world was sin. Just because they may not have the attitude of the people of Sodom does not mean it isn’t sin.

It’s not the same thing. It’s not even close to the same thing.

It is the same thing for as we said earlier, we do not know one straight convict or straight man who would lower themselves to practice something they considered to be vile and so on. You really need homosexual tendencies to consider committing homosexual acts.

And to sucker millions of people into blindly believing otherwise is What Franklin Graham is Wrong About Today

He hasn’t made his case and he is a bit premature in his condemnation of Franklin Graham. From the evidence we have seen, the people in the Sodom story were homosexual and were looking to satisfy their homosexual lusts. The presence of other sins does not disqualify homosexual behavior from being part of the sins they were destroyed for.

But we must again, why is Dr. Corey so bent on trying to remove homosexuality from the sins of long dead people? It won’t change God’s view of homosexuality. It won’t change his decision on giving them over to their lusts and it won’t change homosexuality from being a sin to acceptable behavior.

People like Drs. Corey, McGrath & Enns do not have any support for their positions at all. It is their subjective word that they stand on, not God’s word. They have built on the sand and try to lead people from the truth. They have no alternative divinely inspired scriptures to point to saying the Bible is in error. They also have no ancient manuscripts supporting their positions. Most of their words come from their own personal preferences, lack of belief in God and their rejection of the truth.

We also need to point out that aside from Lot’s wife and daughters, no other women were mentioned to be living in Sodom. It is an assumption that they were but they may not have been. Dr. Corey would have to prove that they were before making his humiliation and degradation arguments. These Drs. also like to offer their own translations to the original languages. That way they can stay with their point even when they are shown to be wrong.

They do not have the Spirit of Truth helping them find the correct meaning of God’s word. Their translations are not correct.