I Have a Question

BG may say that we are not banned on his website but we are not going to post there and give him the opportunity to ban us. We will address any information we glean from his website here. That way nothing can be edited or changed on us.

Currently, he has this annual theme where he allows his readers to ask him any question they want. it goes under the same title heading above – I have a question- and I guess he selects the ones he will answer.

When we saw this year’s opportunity to ask a question, we came up with several. The first one is:

#1. Why does a guy with nothing to offer keep posting ‘his’ story which hasn’t changed in 10 or 11 years?

His previous answer to us was ‘he wanted people to know his story’. Yet, he could have done that in one website page or one post. However, he keeps repeating the same thing over and over, and over, as if no one has read it before.

The obvious answer is that he is a narcissist and wants everyone to think he is a victim. His continuous reference to ‘his story’ makes his content useless, boring, and out of touch. He needs the attention.

#2. Why does he keep beating a dead horse? This is exampled by a couple of quotes and the first quote is taken from this article:

Have Atheist Content Creators Won the Day Over Christian Apologists?

Have atheists won the day? Perhaps, but there’s still a place for well-spoken, thoughtful atheists to produce content for public consumption.

Atheists have not even come close to winning the day. We checked to see some of these atheist arguments and it seems that they keep using the same refuted arguments without any solid physical evidence. One example comes from this website:

Ultimately, religious texts are infinitely fallible because they are man-made products of whimsy, poetry, mythology and some history woven together into a new whole. The texts in the Bible have been gathered from many oral sources over thousands of years and compiled arbitrarily into a single document; it’s hardly surprising that the narrative would be so inconsistent. Other religious texts have similarly convoluted histories.

We are only going to deal with the Bible portion of that quote except to say that all false religions’ holy texts are man-made with almost all of them copying from the Bible. But as you can see, there is no physical evidence presented or intimated in that declaration.

For hundreds of years, some Bible scholars have been saying the same thing yet they have failed to present one iota of evidence to support this claim. They may point to similarities between secular ancient texts and biblical content, then falsely accuse the biblical writers of copying but they have never proved that true nor produced verifiable evidence to support their false accusations.

It is not the Christian who does not have physical evidence for the Bible, it is the unbeliever who has no evidence for their false claims. The second quote supporting our beating a dead horse question comes from another article:

Why are most Americans Christian

Ask a Christian for the reason most Americans are Christian and you will likely get some sort of theological explanation, complete with a personal testimony of faith in Jesus Christ. However, is this the reason most Americans are Christians? Is it really all about theology and relationship?

Perhaps there is another explanation.

First, the United States is a Christian nation. Not a Christian nation like theocrats think we are, but Christian nonetheless. Christianity permeates our being as a people. Christian church buildings are everywhere. Our government leaders are overwhelmingly Christian and freely use language that reflects their Christian heritage. Christianity is on full display everywhere we look. We are, indeed, a Christian nation.

Second, there is a cultural form of Christianity that saturates virtually every aspect of our society.

We refuted this a little while ago and showed that culture does not make anyone a Christian. In fact, we would say that most Americans are not Christian because they have not been born again.

There is no such thing as cultural Christianity. The term Christian means ‘like Christ’ and the culture in America and other Western countries is far from being like Christ. Anyone, believer or unbeliever can follow the teachings of the Bible and think they are Christian, but until they accept Jesus as their savior, and obey his instructions etc., they are NOT Christian.

The culture has certain moral laws and boundaries but that is for the safety of its people not because they have decided to follow Christ as their Lord. Missionaries have been sent from third-world countries to Western nations as the culture is not Christian.

One is only a Christian when they ask Christ to redeem them and be their savior.

#3. Why do you continually make yourself look bad?

This is a question about his black-collar series. As we have talked about this before, it does not make BG look like a saint for his reporting of these arrests. Actually, it makes him look bad as he piles on those unfortunate souls as well as rubbing it in their and their families’ faces.

Those types of postings are not making BG look good. It makes him look like some hate-filled person who does not have an ounce of sympathy, forgiveness, or kindness in him. One reason for that is because he is rifling through law enforcement and news outlet files to get the information LONG AFTER the ‘crimes’ have been committed.

He is not helping anyone but he does look vindictive and mean-spirited in his actions. he also looks void of any love and compassion as love does not rejoice in evil. He is rejoicing as he gets clicks when he posts those articles.

It will be interesting to see what his responses will be. He won’t be allowed to post them here. So hopefully we will get a pingback. Being a Christian means we reach down to help those who have fallen. We do not pile on or leave them by the wayside to die from their spiritual wounds.

Christians are to be like Christ and that means not letting unbelievers think they have won anything. They have not as their arguments are full of lies without any evidence to support those lies. Non-Christians do not have the truth so their arguments are just deception meant to destroy the faith of believers.

Never listen to unbelievers when it comes to the Bible, history and other topics. They do not have the truth.