Our Stalker Has Become Threatening

It is hard to know where exactly to begin. As we mentioned in a previous article, we now have a stalker. We know he is a stalker because he suddenly appears on different websites where we participate and makes insidious comments about us.

Now he has become threatening and an extortionist. He sent us an email last night which we will reproduce here later, with the password intact. Right now we have a few words to say.

First, he is not the first to publish erroneous information about us. Not only was BG the most recent, but we have had this done to us over the slightest actions. When our first high school hired our replacement in Korea, they introduced us but we were too far away to shake hands and nodded a hello. Our co-teacher told us that he said ‘I will get him for that’.

And he tried. We found out where and what he wrote and simply wrote a rebuttal. We never threatened or stalked him. Then when we had articles published at the Korea Times, we had many unbelievers and a prosperity gospel preacher attack us relentlessly. They went as far as to try to get our vise revoked and booted out of the country. They failed.

Those are not the only times we have faced this treatment. One reason we do not allow comments here is because of the wing-nuts out there who do not let others have the freedom they enjoy and try to dictate what content can be published on our website.

In fact, both MM and BG have stated they are free to publish whatever content they want since it is their website. What they forget is that we have the same freedom. This is our website and we will publish the content we feel God wants us to publish.

Their hypocrisy is showing. We are free to publish the content we want and they have no say no matter the threats they make. The key to all of this is that we never go after anyone who publishes bad content about us or uses our content in the way that they do.

MM acts like some sort of authority and thinks we have to be accountable to him. We don’t and we aren’t since our use of the content he publishes is not malicious or personal. As we thought about this last night, one of the reasons that can be applied to our use of the initials of MM is that we are not being personal.

The use of those initials indicates that we are focused on the content only and are not making any personal comments about him. He has his anonymity if he so chooses. For some strange reason, our explanation for the use of his and BG’s content seems to go in one ear and out the other and they cannot grasp what has been explained.

But one more time, we focus on their content and any use of initials is merely making our source known and that is it. But since both of them practice reading into our words what they want them to say they accuse of of saying things we never did.

They also make it personal. The name-calling and other insults they put in their content regarding our content cannot be explained any other way. The fact that MM has stalked us across many websites shows the problem lies with him.

Yes, we have commented on the MM website as well as his other one Coalition of the Brave, yet we do not see him as brave with his tactics and comments. We have encountered him at the Citizen Tom website (a good conservative one if you are interested) and we were there first.

One time we asked Tom a question about MM’s behavior and MM lost it and went off the rails, like he always does. On other sites, we have been able to block him and report his stalking and have left it at that. We are not interested in causing any trouble over his low-level behavior.

It is amazing to see his over-reactions. We have done the same thing with Professors James McGrath, Peter Enns, Joel Watts, Preachers like Jim West (who used to call us honey tee tee during the height of the honeyboo boo era), Scholars like James Tabor, ABR, and BAS staff members and rarely do they respond to us and they never take such over the top action.

He seems to be very thin-skinned and there is an old saying that he should consider- if you cannot stand the heat, then get out of the kitchen. He was in the kitchen the moment he publically published his content. If he does not like criticism, maybe he should stick to what he knows or stop putting content on the Internet.

His forays into the realm of theology, justice, and similar topics expose his subjective and ill-informed opinions along with his manipulative attitude. If he does not like his content to be critiqued or analyzed, then maybe he is in the wrong activity. At the very least he is talking about the wrong subjects and he should consider not venturing into those areas.

There is something that he should consider applying to his life as well. This was taught to us about 60 years ago– toughen up. If he is that sensitive, then publishing his thoughts publically is not for him

What his email has done is made MM look very bad. It does not harm us as people have been saying bad things about us for over a decade. His email paints him in the following ways:

  • A bully – he has to beat up on others to feel good about himself
  • An extortionist- he has to threaten harm against others to get his way
  • A spoiled child- throws tantrums because he is not getting his way
  • A whiner- he can’t handle criticism
  • A crybaby- he has to have everyone doing what he wants or he is not happy
  • A complainer- he takes issue with critiques because they expose his erroneous thoughts
  • The kid who takes his ball and goes home- he refuses to let people do what he does and has to try and take the opportunities away
  • A distorter- he is dishonest and manipulative and changes the content to fit his narrative
  • Self-important- he thinks he is something he is not
  • Thinks his way is the only way – he thinks he gets to tell millions of others what they should be thinking, doing, and supporting. He forgets he is just one person with one subjective opinion
  • An abusive person- he will treat others in very negative ways
  • Hypocritical- he treats others in the same way he complains about
  • Vengeful- likes to get back at others for perceived slights
  • Likes to take revenge- he wants to get back at others instead of letting roll away like water off a duck’s back

Those are just some of the negative attributes his email describes him as being. We are not the only one who has trouble with MM. Citizen Tom has had to put up with his antics as well. He does the same thing in discussions as he did with us, so we are not the problem here.

In the end, his threats just make him look bad and show all of his bad characteristics. The difference between us and MM and BG is that we do not claim victimhood. It is funny that BG complains about our using his initials yet he also complained when we spelled his surname wrong.

We went to the initials to avoid the problem but you can never win with unbelievers. They will always find something to complain about or a reason to dismiss evidence. Their overreactions remind us of the time we used to post at Worthy forums.

We used the word teabag or teabagging in a post and a supposed Christian poster made false accusations about us using the illicit sexual slang definition for that term. Nothing we said would change his mind and he kept falsely accusing us.

It seems that he thought he could read our minds, just like MM and BG think. We got banned from Worthy because of that poster’s reactions and failure to comprehend what we said but we are not a victim, it happens because there are wingnuts everywhere.

Both BG and MM should man up and toughen up and stop their whining. if they are going to publish erroneous content and make extraordinary claims then they will be called out for those statements.

As we have explained ad nauseum we use their content to present our material in a very relatable manner. And as we said in a previous post, we hold nothing against them no matter how bad they get.

There is a reason we do not allow comments on this website anymore. It is people like them, not just them, who do not know how to discuss or debate correctly and use verbiage that is not acceptable in common debates or discussions.

Many people who comment cannot follow the rules we have set up for commenting, including BG and MM who have created their own rules for comments.

We do not care what MM is going to publish. He has crossed the line again and taken steps that non-Christians may find worth physically fighting him over. We are not that way. We will just turn the other cheek and let it go.

We will publish the content we want because we have the right and freedom to do so. It is our website and what MM wants does not matter. He is the one in error with his actions and overreactions and he needs to get help.

We have forgotten a couple points we were going to include here and may remember them later. We wonder where he gets the right to dictate to others what they can & will say on their websites?  He put the information into the public domain so he only has himself to blame.

Without further delay here is the threatening mail and all it doe sis prove how low-class MM is.


Whilst I suspect you will respond in your customary aggressive, demanding manner, I retain the hope that somewhere in your soul is a man who actually values what you currently pay lip-service to. To that end, I am giving you an opportunity to be decent, and act with some sense of integrity.

I have written a post, which is currently password-protected, and that password is FlashDrive77! It outlines your history of abusing people online, and that is only the tip of the iceberg. You may not care if it is presented to the world, but on the other hand, considering how many people read Meerkat Musings, and especially how many people – including people who know your true name and history – read Bruce Gerencser’s site, you may find that there is greater exposure of your cruel, vindictive behaviour than you would like.

What I want from all this is very simple. I want you to leave me completely alone. Your accusations are deeply hypocritical, and it is fortunate for you that you have fled to a part of the world where you cannot face legal consequences for your libel.

If you react with your usual hostility and bluster, I’ll make my post public. It will highlight the level of obsession you have with me (ten posts about me, in some way shape or form, in one month, renders you unquestionably the true stalker David, despite whatever misleading pronouncements you make about your true intentions, after all I have no reason to trust your word at this point). Perhaps, as I said earlier, you don’t care, but perhaps you do.

If I have not heard from you, in any form, by this time next week, my post will go public. I think seven days is plenty of time for you consider your next move. Let’s see if you can act with honour and integrity, and agree to cease your harassment and vendetta against me.



The link to the post is in the word ‘regards’. He calls it the accusations of the unhinged yet we are not making accusations against him nor are we unhinged. We feel he is simply describing himself as he is making accusations and threats against us.

Also, we do not trust his content because he is a known distorter who manipulates content to fit his purpose. He is dishonest and does not own up to his manipulative and distorting ways. He will say he is quoting exactly what was said to him, but that is not the problem. It is his commentary that creates the distortion and dishonestly represents what was said.

If he uses interpretation, then he is not attacking us but his own ideas. In that email, you will see many false accusations made against us. He should take his own words as good advice and follow them instead of threatening others he does not agree with.

We cannot change the past and it is useless to try as unbelievers always find a way to bring the past up and use it against a believer. We make mistakes and often say something we shouldn’t but we also have God reminding us of that and directs us to make changes.

MM and BG do not have that aid and often continue to be abusive, mean, insulting, and more negative terms. We thought of responding to the content of that email but it would not do any good, MM has created a fantasy in his mind that he will not let go. It is a waste of time responding to his words.

Maybe tomorrow we will address a post of his, not for revenge, but because it is very erroneous and misleading. There is a reason God said not to take revenge, The Chinese had a philosophy that if you go seek revenge, first dig two graves.

The meaning of that philosophical statement is that when you seek revenge you destroy yourself in the process. God can take revenge without destroying himself and without sinning. If we do it we sin by disobeying God.

There was a time when MM harassed us about a question he asked. The question was, Would you kill me if God told you to do it? He did not like the answer and kept harping on it. The answer that he wanted was ‘would we disobey God to protect his life?’

That is what MM wants Christians do to. He wants them to disobey God and walk according to MM’s ideas. That cannot be done. So he can post away if he wants, God will take revenge for us and we leave it in God’s hands.

We did think of something after we posted this. If MM was decent, and had values, dignity, honor, integrity, and so on, he would not have written the email, the post nor resorted to extortion.