We Have a STALKER!!!!

And other personal observations

#1. MM has become an Internet stalker

He follows us everywhere now making his distorted and misleading comments. We do not comment on his website nor do we mention him in any of our posts elsewhere on the Internet yet he somehow finds the time and the need to track our movements and leave these hate-filled comments about us.

I am sure he has better things to do than to trace our footsteps. it certainly makes him look bad and worse than how he describes us.

#2. False Subscriptions

This has been going on for a while now and to be frank, we do not care who is doing it. This behavior only shows the person or persons’ immaturity, childishness, and failure to live up to their ideals and principles.

All they are doing is providing digital evidence that they are not better than us or other Christians. It is amazing to see how in this technological and nuclear age, people have not progressed past this childish and wrong behavior.

It only takes us a couple of minutes to correct their sinful acts, so we are not bent out of shape by this constant stupidity.

#3. We thought we gave BG a reason to live 🙂

BG whines in another post about why he has not taken his own life. He thinks about it because of all the pain he is in and all the medical problems he has. Now he has to face an operation and we do not gloat or make fun of these troubles.

While we thought we were giving him good motivation to live. In atheists’ minds, there are few better reasons to live than to attack a Christian fundamentalist or EvangelicaL Seriously, he lists some very good reasons why he endures the pain and ailments he suffers from.

In our hearts today, we feel empathy for him and wish we had the gift of healing. Then we would ask God to heal BG for pure reasons, one being to finally show BG that God exists. Since we do not have that gift, we ask those who do to prayerfully consider bringing God’s healing to BG.

It would be nice to see him have a pain and sick-free end of life and make the quality of his life better. We hold nothing against BG or MM and do not want to see them come to any harm. For those who have doubts about doing this, I remind them of the example Jesus provided. People brought their suffering friends and loved ones to Jesus and he healed them all.

BG qualifies for healing because he is not excluded from the term ‘everyone’. It may be too late for BG and his wife to return to the faith, but his healing would greatly influence his children and grandchildren giving them the opportunity to see that God exists and make the right decision to go to heaven.

#4. The legal system is not enough

On that note, we must take BG to task about his other post saying the church should be barred from handling sexual abuse cases. According to him, the church doe snot have standing and only the legal system should adjudicate these issues.

We disagree with him as the current legal system is rife with prejudice, bias, errors in judgment, and other mistakes. What he accuses the church of being and doing, are the same elements in the legal system.

The advantage the church has over the legal system in these and other matters is that the church, when listening, has the Spirit of Truth to guide them to get to the heart of the matter and to see what the true problem is.

Also, the church has God to help them get to true justice. As we have said in our @MeChurch and How Justice is Perverted series, too many innocent people have been incarcerated, some for decades, based on lies and no evidence.

If anything,. the legal system is far worse than the church when it comes to qualifications in these matters. BG talks about how the churches and denominations hide the truth to protect their reputations etc. Yet, didn’t Alex Murdaugh and his law firm, going back generations, do the same thing?

Why leave justice to those who do not know what justice is? We all know that Christians get treated differently in the legal system than most unbelievers. The many cases filed by LGBTQ members against Christian businesses are prime examples of the harsh treatment Christians face in the legal system.

As are many of the new laws enacted by democrat-led states that target Christian organizations. Christians won’t get justice in the current design of the legal system, and neither does the poor.

The legal system seems to have created the reputation that justice is only for the rich and it is up to Christians and the church to make sure true justice is done for everyone.

#5. Oh and MM has posted another distorted rant about his version of justice

We may discuss it later but again, MM distorts the arguments, and the situation and creates false accusations against those who disagree with him. He is a prime example of why justice and judgment should not be left in the hands of unbelievers.

He does not present the facts honestly, uses statistics to dishonestly represent his points of view, as well as makes blanket conclusions even though those conclusions do not apply to everyone.

He has no legal or theological training so why is he spouting off on topics he knows nothing about? He still does not realize that his views are only one in a billion views. He has done nothing to prove his subjective views should be counted or taken seriously.

What makes him a problem is that he goes after those who disagree with him further proving his views mean nothing and are not based on a superior standard. His views unjustly and unfairly target those he does not like and that is not the right attitude to have when trying to make his point.

Honesty is foreign to him and he does harm to the justice and other systems not good.