The 10 Commandments in School

There is some controversy over the new Louisiana law. We are on the side of this law is okay and does not harm anyone. The only people who are objecting seem to be unbelievers who want to create their own moral standards. They do not want to be obedient to superior objective moral laws.

We made a comment under the Yahoo website story and got a few interesting remarks in return. We will answer those comments here.

You know that not everyone is Christian? That is fine if it was placed in a Christian school, but not public schools. Also “superior objective moral law”? No one that is in favor of this law has followed these “superior moral laws.” Your comment is laughable.

Yes, we do and non-Christians would benefit by being reminded of those commandments. They need to be taught what is the right thing to do just like Christians do. The same reason applies to the placement in secular public schools. Teachers, administrators, school boards, and students need to be reminded that God exists and his rules are important.

That third statement is a generalization that accuses innocent people of violating these laws without any evidence or proof. Just because some supporters of the law do not follow them is not permission for anyone to disobey them.

morals by their very nature cannot be objective.

They are, if they are given by God.

Everything wrong with the law…and people who support it.Amazing how you all admit that without that little sign you wouldn’t be able to behave. Bigly sad.

Bigly sad??? Some people need to return to remedial English classes. It seems that people, especially unbelievers do not know how to behave without ‘that little sign’. Given the crime rate and other bad behavior taking place throughout the nation, that little sign is needed everywhere.

People need to know that God is there and he has told everyone how to behave. Given the example of the pre-flood world before the flood, this little sign should help slow the criminal and evil behavior.

We grew up when Bible reading and prayer was mandatory in all schools. So we do not see what the problem is. Students were allowed to be who they were, they were not forced to convert to Christianity.

The teachers did not preach, or explain the biblical passage,. They just read the appointed verses and then went on with their day. We can tell you that school quality declined at all levels once the Bible and prayer were removed.

Judging from what we have seen as educators we need to remind all educational participants that there is a superior moral code and that it is best to obey it. One reason we say this is because the secular way is not working.

Not only has the secular way failed the nation in politics, it has failed every student and teacher. The upper administration officials have lost sight of what is right and wrong, etc., and have turned the public schools into a Petrie dish for their wild ideas and social experiments.

One is not harming a student if the student is told their lifestyle preference is wrong, especially when it is truly wrong. The current application of right and wrong, by some school boards and other school-related organizations has changed what is right to wrong and vice versa.

This is not how to educate students. Thus placing the 10 commandments in the Louisiana schools is a must if we want our children to grow up properly and have the right opportunities in life as well as eternity.

Unfortunately, while the Bible teaches that parents are to train their children in the path that they will go, some parents have abdicated that charge and let the unbelievers in the schools take over the parenting and moral instruction of their children

Parents God gave you the instructions to raise your children. He did not give it to school officials or education departments. Part of those instructions is that you are to raise your children by teaching them God’s commands and statutes.

If the parents do not do that, then they are disobeying God and failing their children. Letting unbelievers teach morals and behavioral conduct to their children is also wrong. Unbelievers do not have an objective superior moral code and what they teach is based on their unbelief not what is right or wrong, etc.

The only problem with this law is that non-Christian and false religious organizations will demand equal time. If done correctly, this should not be a problem. God’s word is authoritative and everyone can see the difference between God’s word and the words of false religions.

The question is will they follow God’s word and reject the false teaching? Parents can help their children by explaining why those other religious beliefs are wrong. That explanation will protect their children from making bad decisions about their religious faith.

Proper parental teaching can help the future as students learn what true justice is and how to avoid moral failings later in life. There is a lot more students can learn if only their parents would take the time to teach their children properly.