The Problem of Inclusive Ideology

We see signs outside of some neighborhoods that say they welcome LGBTQ members and are very inclusive. The people who put these signs up think they are moral, loving their neighbor, and loving others as Jesus loved them.

But they misunderstand the biblical texts. They also misunderstand morality, love, and how to be loving to their neighbor and love others as Jesus loved them. One problem with inclusive ideology is that these people are demolishing God’s standards of right and wrong, good and evil, and morality and immorality.

This ideology is saying that ‘love’ and ‘morality’ do not exclude those who have chosen the wrong path in life. It is also saying that what is wrong is good, right, and moral. however, these people who proclaim this ideology do not have the authority to change what is moral, right, or good. Nor do they have the authority to elevate evil, wrong, and immorality to a status they cannot hold.

Another problem with this ideology is the people who proclaim and support it are saying that paradise cannot be paradise without sin and corruption. They feel that paradise can only be paradise if those who have chosen the wrong side of life are excluded from enjoying the benefits reserved for those who choose right.

But this is misguided thinking as well as the wrong application of love, morality, and other positive characteristics. Trying to erase God’s standards does nothing but bring harm to one’s neighbor as no one knows what is right or wrong, etc., anymore.

Now that certain sins are elevated to a status equal; to what is right, etc., no one knows howto act. Everything is subjective and people do not know when they are doing wrong. This ideology reminds us of the people of Nineveh of Jonah’s time who did not know their right hand from their left.

Letting this ideology influence parents, schools, and just about every aspect of life means we are raising children who have no clue as to what is right, moral, or good. They think every preference or activity is good, etc., and they do not know the difference between right and wrong, etc.

As long as they are consenting adults, everything is okay. But being a consenting adult is not a criterion to qualify a preference or activity as good, right, or moral. Adults face the same boundaries whether they are consenting or not.

If it is wrong by God’s standards, then it is wrong when consenting adults do it. This includes having affairs, heterosexual pre-marital sex, and more. God’s standards do not change when one becomes an adult.

What is right, good, moral, wrong, immoral, and evil, are the same when one is a child and when they are a senior citizen on death’s door. They do not change at any time regardless of culture and government views and laws.

What is moral, etc., does not change. What changes are people’s attitudes on morality, right. good. Part of the reason those attitudes change is because one, they were never corrected as children.

Two, they want to participate in those activities, thus to feel good about themselves, they ‘change the standards to reflect that desire. Three, they force the government to make changes because they do not want to abide by what is right, moral, and good.

They want to do what is right in their own eyes instead. They want to be god and determine what is right and wrong, etc., instead of humbling themselves and obeying God’s standards. This is a dangerous situation because it affects all levels of society.

They have listened to the lies of evil and rejected a caring God in favor of their lusts and other sinful desires. They no longer want what Moses wrote in Deuteronomy 4:

5 “See, I have taught you statutes and judgments just as the Lord my God commanded me, that you are to do these things in the land where you are entering to take possession of it. 6 So keep and do them, for that is your wisdom and your understanding in the sight of the peoples who will hear all these statutes and say, ‘Surely this great nation is a wise and understanding people.’ 7 For what great nation is there that has a god so near to it as is the Lord our God whenever we call on Him? 8 Or what great nation is there that has statutes and judgments as righteous as this whole Law which I am setting before you today?

Instead, they wanted to be like the people of Israel in Samuel’s day when they demanded a king. They reject God and his ways to be like the sinful nations surrounding them. The moral people of old saw what the sinful people were doing and it ‘excited’ them.

Then they desired to be like their more sinful neighbors. or their children did as they were influenced by movies, television, their less moral, etc., teachers and friends. In other words, society degraded as more and more people listened to evil over God.

Allowing an inclusive ideology to permeate society is the same as opening the door to the hen house and letting the foxes inside. Those who disagree with the opposition to inclusive ideology can say that those people who have chosen the immoral and wrong path are good people.

The latter may not steal, rape, murder, or cheat but they are still not good people. The reason we say that is because they are still practicing sinners and their activities harm all of society. Don’t believe that? Look at the first battle of Ai.

One man sinned and 5000 men lost their lives. The sins of those who reject God’s standards do affect the general population. Practicing sinners in the church damage the church as well. The church needs to purge its membership of those who refuse to repent of their sins because allowing practicing sinners to remain damages the witness and reputation of both the Church and Christ.

They may be ‘good’ people but in God’s eyes, they are in need of getting right with him. Inclusive ideology is not God’s ideology. It is filled with sin and corruption and is of sinful and corrupt human origins. It does not belong in the church or in society in general.