Pre-Drawn Conclusions 2

The unbelieving world wants Christians to use their brand of science to investigate biblical accounts. But this is an illogical, irrational, and ridiculous demand to make. Over the years, we have heard many unbelieving scientists and science supporters claim that science is not designed to study the supernatural.

Yet, they demand that Christians use this field of research {its many branches} to prove the biblical accounts true. Why use a research tool to study something it cannot study? That is like trying to use a spatula to change the oil on a car.

But this is how unfair unbelievers are. They tilt the playing field to ensure they get the results they want no matter who is doing the research. Once they see that science hasn’t produced the evidence they want to believe the Bible is true, they get on their soapbox and declare it false.

How can science produce the evidence unbelievers want to see when it is not capable of studying the supernatural? This is how illogical and irrational the demand to drop revelation as the foundation for Christian research has become.

This ridiculous demand is equal to any demand by any Christian who tells unbelievers to use the Bible to prove their evolutionary theory. The Bible is not a science book and it would be ridiculous to make that demand.

This is one reason why we do not like all these efforts to find a natural solution for God’s miracles. While God can use natural means to do what he claimed, he does not tell us that he did. Throughout the Bible, we are told by God that he used his power to create everything in our universe.

That means that science is incapable of studying our origins and is interfering with truth. There is no logical reason to accept scientific studies because miracles are supernatural and outside the scope of science. What science claims does not mean God did it that way.

Then to demand that Christians do their research the scientific way is the way unbelievers hide from the truth. This is why we have a disagreement with ABR {Associates for Biblical Research} they try to follow scientific, archaeological rules instead of God’s word.

Scientific research will prove much about the Bible but it cannot study or prove Joshua’s longest day. There may be records in ancient annals about this event but we would have to do some investigating to find out. But if science cannot study the event or find evidence for it, that does not mean the event did not take place.

Science is not an authority and has no say about the biblical content. Science has no authority over the biblical content either. While unbelievers may get upset that Christians are starting with true revelation, we do not change to please the unbeliever.

We use that revelation to guide our scientific research and allocate resources accordingly so that none are wasted on useless experiments or in pursuit of theories that have no hope of being true or even verified.

That puts the Christian ahead of the unbeliever as the former can use those resources to help people. There are so many in need and they suffer, in part, due to the excessive amounts of resources channeled to support evolutionary and Big Bang research.

Christians are about helping those in need. They are not about chasing after unprovable ideas or concepts. This does not mean that Christians cannot be involved in a variety of sciences. It just means they need to make better decisions on how they participate in those research fields.

If their work is blocked by the secular organizations they are employed, then it is best to start one’s own company or school and do science correctly. The unbelieving world is run by the father of lies so Christians should be rejecting the evolutionary and Big Bang theories whole-heartedly along with any other idea that contradicts the Bible.

It is okay for Christians to start with God’s revelation for secular science will not let them study the supernatural or produce the answers they seek. Science is a useless tool in many instances.