
Throughout the @MeChurch and Perverting Justice series, we did not address guilt or innocence, nor if the event took place or not. That is not the concern or focus of these articles. We only focused on justice and what the church should know. We have not put the victim on trial but raised questions about … Continue reading Disclaimer

Our Books Are Still on Sale

Don't forget we still have a book sale taking place. These sale prices are for e-books only as print costs make it unfeasible to place the hard copies on sale. You can reach those sales through this link--https://theoarch.wordpress.com/contact/ The titles on sale are: 1. Archaeology & the Believer — Sale Price $4.50; regular price $5.95 … Continue reading Our Books Are Still on Sale

How Justice is Perverted 3

MM wrote another post on the topic of 'sexual abuse' by pastors and he called it- Judgement and Justice. Yet we see no justice in the content, all we see is judgment and not the proper format of judgment. The content is filled with just about every factor we discussed in Parts 1 and 2 … Continue reading How Justice is Perverted 3

How Justice is Perverted 2

We did not cover all the factors that contribute to perverting justice. In reading BG's post The Intolerant Christian God as Found in the Cult Classic Mars Attacks! we were reminded of some more. Quite intolerant, these Martians. Every time I watch Mars Attacks! I can’t help but think of the Christian God and his … Continue reading How Justice is Perverted 2

How Justice is Perverted

We have talked at length about justice in our most recent articles and it is a wonder that criminals ever get convicted. California and other Blue states are showing how justice is perverted in one area. Over the years we have noticed key points where people forget about doing justice and and commit injustices against … Continue reading How Justice is Perverted

Evidence for the Bible

We are not putting this information up to please BG or MM but to help Christians realize that evidence has been presented for centuries. The unbeliever fails to accept the evidence and continues to demand more. But as we said about evidence and faith, faith pleases God and God will not destroy what pleases him. … Continue reading Evidence for the Bible

If We Left Justice to Unbelievers

BG must be staying up late as he published another incoherent rant about our @MeChurch 3 article. We are not going to go point by point through his words as they are not worth addressing individually. He doesn't say anything new or unique anyway. The title of his post is Dr. David Tee Continues to … Continue reading If We Left Justice to Unbelievers