Misunderstanding God

Unbelievers are literal when they want to be. They do not like Christians being literal with the Bible, but that dislike has not stopped them from taking the literal route when it seemingly benefits their point of view.

You could say that the unbelievers follow God’s example to a ‘T’ when you compare their rhetoric about God’s rules and commands with their own. Their rhetoric goes as far as to compare God’s actions with a fictitious and one of the dumbest movies ever made- Mars Attacks.

The title of the piece is The Intolerant Christian God as Found in the Cult Classic Mars Attacks! and it fails from the get-go. First, while God has given everyone his instructions to follow, he only acts when people refuse to obey. The Martians did not give humans any instructions to follow.

They just attacked and killed everyone in their sight. This is not what God has done which leads us to point two of the comparison failure. God has given all people plenty of time to accept and follow his instructions. He is very patient and extends every opportunity for humans to be saved from their sins.

He went as far as sending his son to die for us, sent missionaries around the world, sent evangelists, preachers, and normal Christians so that his light would shine for all to see. The Martians didn’t do anything like that. They invaded and they killed without warning or giving humans time to change.

We see the Martian behavior in unbelievers, liberals, progressives, and democrats who say it is our way or the highway but we never see God in those people groups. The vaccine for Covid is a great example here as people lost their jobs because they did not want the vaccine.

The comparison fails in so many other ways as well:

I can’t help but think of the Christian God and his intolerance towards any religion but his own. Jesus — who is God — is the Martian Ambassador in this story. Any other religion but the Christian faith is false, an affront to the thrice-holy God of the Bible.(all quotes from the article mentioned above)

This quote illustrates the failure of the unbeliever. They have no concept of right and wrong, good and evil, or morality and immorality. To them everything is good unless it violates their personal subjective views.

They do not like objective standards for it means they cannot make the rules and make others cow-tow to their demands. What is the problem here with the unbelievers? They want their ways and any alternatives, according to them, are false,

So why are they upset at God? God has the right to declare what is true and false and if they do not like it, they are free to choose what is false and follow it. God is not forcing them to follow what is true, he just lets them know the punishment for their false choices.

That is the crux of the issue. The unbeliever does not like the fact that they will be punished for making a false choice. They punish others for not accepting their ways so they really have no argument. The LGBTQ preference is just one prime example of how unbelievers treat those who disagree with them

Unbelievers cannot stand in judgment of God or his ways because they are doing the same thing but on a minor scale.

Instead of practicing the time-honored art of toleration, God the Father, and his son Jesus, command their followers to murder everyone who worships other deities (or no deities at all).

We get a laugh when unbelievers say this. They are the most intolerant people around. You will notice that the author of those quoted words misquotes the Bible and distorts what was said in its content.

First off, Jesus never commanded anyone to kill anyone. He said to forgive, not to return evil for evil, and sent people out into the world to save as many souls as possible. Among other good things.

Second, God may have sent commands to the people of Israel to kill certain people groups but he also said for his people to love justice. The unbeliever place their own ideas on God’s command labeling him a blood-thirsty ‘Martian’ even though those commands were part of the justice that needed to be handed out.

Justice does not bring the results unbelievers want to see. They do not see that the people condemned, including themselves, as evil and in need of punishment. But God has warned them for over 2000 years of the punishment that is to come if people reject Christ as their savior.

It is not like the movie Mars Attacks where the Martians are actually blood-thirsty, God has warned everyone of the pending judgment. Then he leaves it up to their God-given free choice to make the decision.

The fact that the unbeliever forces everyone to do their will puts them closer to the Martians in that movie than to the God of the Bible.

Christianity has a deep, vibrant, antisemitic, anti-Islamic stream running through its body…. However, in becoming so fixated on Islam, Christians forget their own religion’s violence, their God’s command to slaughter all unbelievers, and the rise of violent (and deadly) white Christian extremism in the United States.

Again the author of those words places a false accusation against God and Christianity. They ignore the fact that people sin and refuse to repent. What is God supposed to do? Reward them for their disobedience? The unbelieving world doesn’t do that so why should they expect God to do it for them?

The inflammatory words ‘ the rise of violent and deadly white Christian extremism’ are nothing but a lie. Christians are not violent but even Christians get to defend themselves when their country is invaded by illegals and their loved ones are harmed by those invaders.

The unbelievers are the ones being violent and deadly as they have let criminals off without proper punishment, they let them re-offend many times over, they won’t prosecute the offenders and they continue to harm people through their dictatorial laws

The unbeliever needs to clean their house first before they can stand in judgment of God and believers.

So much for the unconditional love of God. So much for God loving and accepting people where and how they are. No, God commands his followers to whip out their ray guns and vaporize anyone who doesn’t bow in fealty and devotion to him.

Another erroneous, misguided statement made by that author. God’s unconditional love not only has given unbelievers lots of time to repent, they also forgive every sin but one. The people are accepted no matter who they are but once they accept Chris as their savior, they need to obey Jesus’ words, ‘Go and sin no more’.

One is not allowed to practice sin once they made that step of faith. Unbelievers have rules and they punish anyone who disobeys their rules so why can’t God do the same?

The crux of this issue is that the unbelievers want to live their lives the way they want to and still want to enter paradise. But it doesn’t work that way as they cannot see that paradise is ruined once unbelievers enter it.

They think they are good and do not deserve punishment but that is deception at work. Hopefully, the light of Jesus will expose the deception and help many unbelievers see the error of their ways and make the right decision for Jesus.

No one is going to kill them if they don’t but unbelievers will kill Christians if they do not recant their faith. Unbelievers have no argument against God and his instructions. They are worse than he.