Secular Science Does Not Have the Answers

Most unbelievers and atheists stake their position to secular science. They say if science cannot prove/explain it then it did not happen. or something similar. Their whole belief system is wrapped up in what science has to say about our origins.

When we write a title like the one above, we are not saying science cannot find answers to how things work, how they grow, or what elements can be combined to produce material objects.

Unbelievers like to create strawman arguments using these useful activities to say that their version of science is an authority over everything else in the world, including our origins. However, science fails everyone when it interferes with topics outside of its scope.

Our origins are not a scientific problem and yet, unbelievers will stick to secular science even when their favorite scientists do not provide real scientific evidence to support their statements and theories. Here are some quotes from the book Show Me God by Fred Heeren:

#1. In the same article in which Martin Rothman admits that ‘there is no way of obtaining evidence concerning a prior existence, stating that the big bang started with a quantum fluctuation that created matter and energy at one point in time. Nothing went before”. Rothman offers no explanation about what might have cuased such a quantum fluctuation or how he knows that nothing went before. (pgs. 117-118)

#2. After Sagan opened his book…with the proclamation that the cosmos is all that there ever was, in all the pages…following, he gave no scientific reasons for making such a statement. (Pg. 118)

#3. We have equations that describe the transformation of one thing into another, but we have no equations whatever for creating space and time. And the concept doesn’t even make sense… So I don’t think we have words or concepts to even think about creating something from nothing.And I certainly don’t know of any work that seriously woiuld explain it when it can’t even state the concept. )John Mather, pg. 119-120)

#4. When pressed to panswer how creation could begin with nothing, Tyron himself …said, It may well be that we will never have a confident answer (pg. 120)

#5. Those scientists who have been honest about the question of where matter and energy originated have admitted two things: first, that the problem is impossible to solve through science, and second, that this state of affairs isd exceeding frustrating to the scientist (pg. 120)

#6. Internationally respected astronomer…Robert jastrow admits that scientists have been ;traumatized’ by coming up against a problem thatmust forever remain beyond them…The situationviolates a deeply held ‘religious faith’ of scientists in science itself, the belief that science should eventually be able to discover he forces and laws to explain everything (pg. 121)

#7. Jastrow says that the universe began ‘under circumstances that seem to make it imp[ossible-not just now but ever- to find out what force or forces brought the world into being at that moment (pg. 121)

***An interjection here- it is impossible for science to find a natural force responsible for the creation of everything. But scientists and everyone else can find the spiritual source if one, they look for it, and two, they use faith and believe God and his word.

#8. Physicist Barry Parker agrees: :We do, of course, have an alternative. We could say that there was no creation, and that the universe has always been here. But that is evenmore difficult to accept than creation” (pg. 121)

#9. For the scietist who has lived byhis faith in the power of reason, the stry ends like a bad dream. he has scaled the mountains of ignorance; he is about to conquer the highest peak; as he pulls himself over the final rock, he is greeted by a band of theologians who have been sitting there for centuries (pg. 122)

*** Another interjection. Not just a band of theologians but a myriad of believers who used faith and believed God and his word.

As you can see, science is incapable of discovering the answer to our origins, Reason does not trump faith but reason that uses faith gets to the answers a lot quicker than anything else. Our origins are outside the scope of science and any theory created by unbelievers (and some ‘believers’) needs to be discarded and not accepted as true.

They do not have the truth or any answers for anyone when it comes to this topic. As you may have noticed, these scientists did not say their evolutionary and Big Bang experiments provided proof for the answer they sought.

If you want the answers to our origins and how life began, read the Bible. God repeated what he did several times throughout the scriptures. No scientific classes or degrees are needed to get to the answer.