BG Failed again

He wrote 3 articles in response to the two we just posted. However, he failed again to provide any evidence supporting his claims. He just repeated that Jesus died and is in an unmarked grave.

How does he know this and no scholar or archaeologist does? Where is his evidence for this statement? He provides none because his statement is not true. Plus, he went to his usual favorite non-Christian writers who also do not provide any evidence for their anti-Christian, anti-Christ claims.

He has failed to come to the plate as usual and instead continues to use insults and ad hominem attacks on us. He once said that if we were members of his church when he was a pastor, he would kick us out and ban us from attending {so much for Christian love on his part}.

Yet, the question, would we actually attend his church on more than one occasion, needs to be answered. We do not know if we would but lean to the answer ‘probably not.’We see a lot of problems with his old theology and blow-with-the-wind ways that we would probably be turned off by his personality and seek another church to attend.

He has failed to meet the criteria for any response to our challenge and no we did not challenge him to a street fight. We challenged him to provide real, credible, and verifiable evidence or shut up about Christianity forever. He failed to do either part as he also rails against corporal punishment.

This is the thing about unbelievers and atheists. All they will do is criticize both Christians and the Christian faith. Then when challenged to present evidence to support their critiques, they never produce any.

Their criticisms come straight from evil and from the fact they do not like people who are better than them and are secure enough to admit they can’t make it through life without Christ. They also make their criticisms, lumping every believer into the same pot, while rejecting all explanations Christ, Christians, and the Christian faith.

They want Christians to not be a-holes (his words) yet have no problem being ‘a-holes’ themselves, especially towards those Christians who refuse to accept their sinful ways. We have spent hours producing articles with these explanations only to have atheists and other unbelievers trash them without giving the content any real open-minded consideration.

Then why is he so worried we will write about his content? We have explained that reason over and over yet he continues to fail to acknowledge the reason and adjust his rhetoric. He uses printed words of abuse but why does he need to do that if he is correct and we are wrong? Is he afraid his lies will be exposed and he will look like a fool?

He does that on his own with his blanket denials of the existence of Christ even though a myriad of evidence proves otherwise. We have accepted the fact that he and other atheists will never convert but why do they hate having their content examined?

We still want to know why he and other atheists need to force their unbelief on the rest of the world even though the rest of the world rejects their atheistic thinking? What do they accomplish with their activities except to ruin people and their children?

In the end, we are still waiting for BG to produce the credible, verifiable physical evidence which supports his claims. He has failed to do it in 3 to 4 responses so far. We doubt he will ever produce it because he can’t find something that is not there.

Also, his objections are mere subjective personal opinions and are not to be taken seriously. In fact, they are not even opinions but wishful thinking. Unbelievers and atheists have nothing to offer this world. Never listen to them.

WE Have to mention that 1 Peter 3:15 does not make it mandatory for believers to present evidence when talking about their faith.

15 but [i]sanctify Christ as Lord in your hearts, always being ready to make a [j]defense to everyone who asks you to give an account for the hope that is in you, but with gentleness and respect;

Being ready to make a defense does not mean we always will have or need to present evidence. That demand that we do is solely an atheist/unbeliever demand that has no foundation in reality or the Bible.