Christians Are Not Objective

It has been said that science is supposed to be objective. It is one of the pro-science’s mantras. We have been reading Dr. Charles Pellegrino’s book Return to Sodom & Gomorrah and we came across this little tidbit near the end of the book:

‘You make it sound as if electrons do this by design’ I said

‘and who is to say there is no grand designer?’

‘I try not to view nature that way’

‘You wear the badge of Darwin with toomuch pride, Charlie. Be careful. It can blind you. A good scientist leaves all possibilitiesopen, even the possibility othat there is a gran design… (pg. 339)

That is the true concept of objectivity. Nothing is ruled out. That is if one wants to be honest. However, for Christians, the time for being objective is before they become a Christian. After they accept Christ as their savior, they are no longer objective but have sided with God and his words.

The new and old believers have made a choice to follow Jesus and live by the word of God. The word of God does not teach objectivity. It teaches how God created the world in 6 days, leaving no room for alternatives to take place.

The Christian does not need to be objective and question everything. They have found the truth and decided to accept that truth. Once that decision is made, they no longer need to search for answers to a mystery that does not exist.

Objectivity only helps lead one to examine all the facts. It is not supposed to keep questioning once the answer has been discovered. Unfortunately, for many scientists, the answer to our origins has been provided and has been in existence since the beginning of time. There is no mystery to our origins, the origin of the universe or how life developed.

We have those answers and the good scientists who are Christians can move on to more important work either refuting those who promote alternatives or solving many of life’s challenges, including curing diseases, solving water problems in many countries, and so on.

There is a world of problems that need Christian scientists to focus on instead of worrying about where we came from. While we still need Christians and Christian scientists to dig up facts to refute the claims of the unbelievers who reject creation, we do not need as many.

However, remaining open to a grand designer does not mean one is a Christian. Those scientists are just not closing the door to one and are waiting for ‘physical evidence’ that probably will never come to convince them to accept Christ as their savior.

Even though accepting and supporting the Big Bang Theory and the Evolutionary theory takes faith, these unbelieving scientists refuse to take that step of faith. They want physical evidence to help them believe.

In this situation, those scientists and other unbelievers want to remain in the judge’s seat telling Christians what is or isn’t evidence. This is a protective device that prevents those unbelievers from accepting Christ as their Savior.

While they claim to be open, most unbelieving scientists, that we have read and talked to, are not interested in taking the step of faith and getting salvation. It does not help matters when Christians try to be objective and compromise the Bible’s content to convince unbelievers to take that step.

Objectivity is very limited in its application and it is never a good thing to be objective when you have sided with God and his word. When you do become objective again, you are saying you have not found the answer and there is no reason for unbelievers to convert.

Christians have to decide if the word of God is true or not, then make their stand on it no matter what unbelieving scientists say. God does not lie and to say that unbelieving scientists are telling the truth about our origins, then you are saying that God lied.

No matter how you justify it,i.e. ‘the ancient writers only told the people what they could understand…’ or similar justifications. In studying the ancient world, you would be surprised at how much the ancients could understand.

If you read the book After the Flood by Bill Cooper, you will learn that the concept of God reaches far back into ancient times (Chapter 1). The ancient people understood a lot more than modern unbelievers give them credit.

We are talking about people who mastered Euclid’s and other Greek theories 2000 years before the Greeks knew about it (Pellegrino, pgs 20-21, 126). The ancient world could understand evolutionary thought as they proposed it thousands of years prior to Darwin making it a popular alternative to creation (Cooper, pgs. 15 – 33).

In the areas of life, theology, and faith, Christians cannot be objective. They have made a public statement they have decided to follow Christ and Christ taught creation. One can be objective when discussing problems that are causing conflicts between two people. That is a different version of objectivity and one we are not talking about.

The Christian needs to be careful as unbelievers will accuse Christians and even biblical writers of not being objective in their writings and points of view. Of course they are not going to be objective, they have taken God’s side and the biblical writers are writing the words God wants them to write.

When you serve God, there is no room for objectivity. You either promote his views or you are not serving God. We mention this because in his book Did God Have a Wife, Wm. Dever says that there is no such thing as objectivity and very few people in the archaeological and other research fields actually accept that act.

However, while stating that fact on roughly page 83 and in his introduction, or preface (we are doing this from memory), he states that the biblical writers were writing propaganda because they were not objective. 

If he and other scholars are not going to be objective, then they have no right to demand that the biblical writers and Christians do something he and others have said is impossible. That is an arrogant demand on the part of Dr. Dever and others.

Christians, do not even try to be objective as it will put you on the wrong side of God and have you obeying secular man over what God has said. We know that there is no such thing as objectivity as God has said you are either on his side or not.

When you pick a side, you are accepting and supporting the information, etc., that is found on one side or the other. There is no middle ground, which is why progressive creationism and theistic evolution cannot exist.

Those two viewpoints are on the secular side of life because they are not on God’s side who said he created the world in 6 24 hour days. Those two origin points of view do not support what God has said.

No, Christians are not objective as they have picked a side and when they stray from representing that side properly, they have left or almost left their faith. Their words, etc., must reflect that choice and not be swayed by those who do not believe.

The latter side has no smoking gun of evidence or knowledge that will destroy Christianity. They are bringing falsehoods mixed with a little truth to help trap unwary Christians. We cannot be swayed by their degrees or years of experience. If they disagree with God and the Bible, they re bringing a false gospel and the wrong information.

Christians put objectivity aside so that the truth can be shared around the world.