It Is Sad To Read About

When prominent Christians decide to join forces with evil against God.  You may find those words a bit harsh but that is what it is all boiling down to when people say God is wrong and secular culture or sin is right. We have another such person doing that now and you can read about it at the following link

There are some new points to address found in his comments about his decision to side with the homosexual community.

#1. I do join your crusade tonight,” Gushee’s prepared remarks say, according to a draft obtained by Religion News Service. “I will henceforth oppose any form of discrimination against you. I will seek to stand in solidarity with you who have suffered the lash of countless Christian rejections. I will be your ally in every way I know how to be.”

First, the Christian faith does not discriminate against homosexuals. The homosexual is free to repent of their sins just like anyone else. The only reason more do not is because they do not want to give up that preference. That decision is what stops them from enjoying anything to do with the Christian faith. It is not the Christian faith’s fault. The only reason the homosexual will suffer rejection is when they refuse to obey God’s call to repent and be saved. Just like anywhere else, the Christian faith has rules and those rules do not change because someone refuses to follow them.

Those rules also guide the believer in how they are to treat the homosexual and if the homosexual feels rejected it is not the Christian doing it. The responsibility for that rejection lies with the homosexual who refuses to do what God wants. It also lies with their refusal to acknowledge that when they are exploring their sexuality their same-sex desires originate in deception from evil. If you want to solve a problem then you go to the source, not the symptom.

#2.  Gushee says the journey to his current position has been a long and winding one. During the first two decades of his academic career, he maintained a traditional view of sexuality and “hardly knew a soul who was not heterosexual.” As he worked on issues such as torture and climate change, his attention was drawn to other issues — slavery, segregation, defamation of Jews, subjugating women — for which Christians once cited Scripture for their entrenched positions.

Don’t blame God for one’s failure to understand scripture and their failure to apply bible verses correctly. He has provided help for all of us so that we will learn the truth and then apply that truth to our lives. That error quoted above does not grant permission to any bible reader to think that God is wrong when it comes to his view of homosexuality. Since Mr. Gushee has been in the church for over 20 years this is something he should have known and should have taken the correct steps to protect himself from going astray.

People are going to use any excuse they can get away with, including biblical passages, to justify their poor treatment of others. Mr. Gushee should have known how to divide proper use of scripture from improper use, plus be able to differentiate between true and false Christianity. If we declare or think that all those who follow alternatives to true biblical teaching as Christian, then we simply confuse ourselves and leave ourselves with no path to go when difficulties arise. Believers need to learn that false teaching is real and it needs to be kicked out of the category of Christian.

Sometimes some people like Mr. Gushee spend too much thinking and teaching what is ethical instead of applying it to their lives and following the HS to the truth. They leave themselves weak and vulnerable when evil uses issues like same-sex marriage to divide the church.

#3. Then in 2008, his younger sister, Katey, came out as a lesbian. She is a Christian, single mother, and had been periodically hospitalized for depression and a suicide attempt. It made him realize that “traditionalist Christian teaching produces despair in just about every gay or lesbian person who must endure it.”

Again, traditional Christian teaching does not produce ‘despair’ in the homosexual. That feeling is the realization on the part of the homosexual that they are not going to live forever with God because of their choice. Don’t pass the buck to the teaching of the church or the bible, they are just telling people the truth. It would be a wise move on the part of those who are exploring their sexual identity and read the passages of scripture which apply to homosexual desires first so they can make an informed decision- before it is too late to change their minds.

We do not change the truth because someone doesn’t like it or doesn’t feel good when they refuse to obey it. We cannot let family or friends influence our views on the truth or our acceptance of it. God has given us the right to make our own choices and what family or friends have decided may not be the wisest decision to imitate. Jesus told us families will be divided because of the gospel so do not let your eternal home with God slide away because you cannot stand being separated from your loved ones.

You cannot help them if you do exactly what they do or join the sin they have joined. You are only hurting yourself.

#4. It took me two decades of service as a married, straight evangelical Christian minister and ethicist to finally get here,” his speech says. “I am truly sorry that it took me so long to come into full solidarity with the Church’s own most oppressed group.”

Homosexual’s are not the most oppressed group in the Church. If they have truly been redeemed by Jesus then they are no longer homosexual anymore. Their continued identifying with that sin is what is bringing their problems.

Therefore if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creature; the old things passed away; behold, new things have come. (2 Cor. 5:17 NASB)

BUT to be a new creature one has to be truly redeemed by Christ. Homosexuals cannot just claim to be Christian and drop the word homosexual to fool the church people. They need to be honest with all believers as Paul tells us to ‘not lie to one another’. if the homosexual lies about their redemption then we can rest assured that their supposed conversion was not real and done to gain access to those parts of the church they have no business reaching. The church must be discerning on this issue and not blindly accept just any confession of faith. As in Ananias and Sapphira, they are not merely lying to the church, they are lying to the HS and that is neither smart or wise.

#5. Gushee also has penned a book that makes a biblical and philosophical case for LGBT affirmation. The volume, titled “Changing Our Mind: A Call from America’s Leading Evangelical Ethics Scholar for Full Acceptance of LGBT Christians in the Church,”

We do not change our minds on this issue nor can we grant any sinful, unrepentant, practicing LGBT person full access to the church or support their decision to continue in sin. The homosexual must follow God’s rules just like anyone else does and if they can’t then they do not get into the church.

#6. While other pro-LGBT Christian activists — including Justin Lee of the Gay Christian Network and Matthew Vines, author of “God and the Gay Christian” — have been dismissed in some circles as wet-behind-the-ears youngsters without formal theological training, Gushee, 52, is a scholar with impeccable credentials. He can add intellectual heft to what has largely been a youth-led movement, and is not someone who can be easily dismissed.

Yes he can be dismissed because he is wrong. His credentials do not matter nor do they grant him the ability to change God’s truth. Believers do not go by credentials, they go by what is right, true and of God. They dismiss what is wrong, false and of evil. Mr. Gushee’s status has no bearing on God’s word or what it says. We follow the HS not Mr. Gushee to the truth.

#7. Gushee disagrees, saying many scientific studies on sexuality are new, as is using LGBT suffering as a logical starting point for the conversation

This is a spiritual issue not a scientific one. Science has no dog in this fight. Secular science has been trying for decades to take away the choice and the responsibility of that choice from the homosexual and place it somewhere else. They have failed each time because homosexuality is in the spiritual realm. The homosexual is responsible for their choices including the one they made concerning their sexual preference.

#8. I still love Jesus and read the Bible and pray every morning, and I don’t really care what they say,” he said. “I’m willing to let God and history be my judge.”

In other words he is saying, ‘I won’t listen to any opposing opinion or the truth and pass the buck for my new decision to God.’ Obviously he doesn’t love Jesus because he says both he and God are wrong on this issue. He is also saying Christ’s Church is following the wrong teaching on homosexuality.  He is also calling sin good and supporting those who practice what God hates. Then he lies to the homosexuals who have not converted by telling them they are saved and allowed into the church.

If you love someone, why lie to or about them?

6 thoughts on “It Is Sad To Read About

  1. No Dr. Gushee has opted to disobey God and support sin while calling it good. That contradicts God’s teaching in Is. 5:20 Homosexuals already have equal rights to marriage but they refuse to follow the rules of marriage. Instead they want to change the rules instead of themselves to access that institution.

    The rules are not wrong, the homosexual is. No, we are disgusted at homosexual because their perversion is disgusting and they are overly selfish. they only think of themselves not of anyon eelse let alone society.

  2. Kindly do not tell me what I “need to understand”. I have no lack of understanding, thank you.

    Indeed, there is right and wrong which comes from God; but Dr Gushee understands it better than you. There is no reason in Scripture or revelation to be so beastly to gays as to forbid equal marriage, except entirely human fear and disgust.

  3. You need to understand the difference between ‘a fear of homos’ and right and wrong. There is no homophobia in the church. There is right and wrong which comes from God and that is whom you should fear not how the church responds to the wrong sexual preference.

  4. Dr Gushee’s, of course. It is the Godly view. How homophobia remains in the church is a mystery to me. The Spirit’s work is taking longer than I would wish, perhaps: but God does God’s work in God’s good time.

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